Interesting idea to have a whole #forum written in #assembly #language The #source #code can be found here: The #code is really quite something!
This is why #python #sucks for #type #hinting This is one of many reasons I have always considered it to be a #hacky #language .
This is very true, going from a #typed #language back to #python causes so many #issues #python lets you write #code fast, but if it becomes large, it quikcly grows out of control.
Really nice little #entry into #assembly #language
Someone getting very #mad about the C #language , but not really understanding why it really became #popular For example, #cpp exists, and yet for kernel stuff, we still use C, despite C++ being fully capable of doing everything C can in a similar #syntax . C is used because it does not need to rely on anything existing, it's compatible nowhere, but also runs everywhere.
Looking forward to #slower #linux #kernels and #drivers in the #future as the #rust #language becomes more popular: These people seem to #forget that #memory #safety is just *one* type of #kernel #bug . Also bad #logic can be written in *any* #language .
#python is such a #strange #language . There are some super #weird #raceconditions in some of the #functions (at leasr some of the #libraries ).
Great #discussion about why #markdown is #dominant as a #document #markup #language
Recently I have been thinking about creating a new #shell #scripting #language I thought it could be cool to base it on #javascript #emulator #elm and run on really low #ram #targets .
#richardstallman has #published a #gnu C #programming #language #reference #manual , only some 40 years late: Very cool, if not a little hard to #access for the average person!
I agree here with the use of the C #programming #language for #prototypes , these days I find it very useful with just a #handful of #helper #libraries
I #suspect that this move to create a brand new #programming #language will result in the #death of #serenityos Not only do you now need to #learn a new #os #architecture , you also need to learn a new #software #language . I believe this creates too much of a #barrier for new people to come in and work on this #project .
I *really* like this #gui #library #framework and the #tools in #provides ! #raygui is pretty insane! The fact it is just in the C #language too is all the more better! It's #immediatemode with no #retained #data , which should lead to a very nice #experience when using it! This may make the #rss #feed #reader #project possible...
Some cool #research on #hvm - a #hvm that converts a #functional #haskell like #language to a super fast #vm It's a little #misleading in some parts, but the #parallel #computing is pretty cool!
Thank goodness somebody in the #uk #conservative #party is still sane: It looks like the #military is dropping it's " #inclusive #language #guide " entirely. Apparently we now can't even call #women #females - I think #trans people would probably be the most #offended by this!
The #war on #language in the #uk continue, now with the #term " #brit " being under attack: It never ends. It never will end. It is a race to the bottom.