Looking forward to #slower #linux #kernels and #drivers in the #future as the #rust #language becomes more popular: https://www.memorysafety.org/blog/rust-i.. These people seem to #forget that #memory #safety is just *one* type of #kernel #bug . Also bad #logic can be written in *any* #language .
#ubuntu #filemanager for both #nautils and #nemo #forget #tabs on #crash , and given how #unstable this shitty #os is, means you lose all the #tabs you have #open every time it #crashes . It's 2020 and we still don't have a #filebrowser than can #remember #tabs , #load #large #directories with any kind of #speed or #preview #files without using up #gigabytes of #disk #space without any sane #cache #policy . Actual insanity.
Sometimes I #forget how blazingly fast #deadsocial is by #design ... Despite running on a #potato of a #server - it is currently using less than 10MB of #ram and #responses are under 1ms! I would suggest that's pretty hard to beat!