The #framework #laptop gets better by the year: Imagine for a moment that #ibm didn't sell #thinkpad to #lenovo , but instead somebody like #framework . Today we might have the most amazing machines ever designed!
Man I really like the #framework #laptop #ecosystem I am stil super #tempted to #buy one to #replace my #dying #main #computer .
Super nice #opensource #framework #tablet based on their #maintainable #parts Very cool project!
Apparently the #gtk #gui #framework is dropping #support for #xserver in favour of #wayland This is a #reminder that many great #alternatives exit, including #dearimgui and #fltk
Nice really small #deeplearning #framework written in #python that #supports #yolo Could be a great way to #learn the #guts of #dnn 's or to create something more #complex .
Ouch, the #spring #framework in #java 9 has an #rce #zeroday #exploit This is for sure the problem with using such massive and difficult to #test #codebase #projects ...
I *really* like this #gui #library #framework and the #tools in #provides ! #raygui is pretty insane! The fact it is just in the C #language too is all the more better! It's #immediatemode with no #retained #data , which should lead to a very nice #experience when using it! This may make the #rss #feed #reader #project possible...
The new #framework #laptop seems like an amazingly cool #platform for #linux - offering a clear #upgrade path and #maintenance Such a great project. I really hope it works out for them.
This is a really cool #resource It makes me want to write a #gui #framework using it. The only thing missing is the ability to query the #terminal #width / #columns and #height / #rows #size ... Apparently this can be done with an #ioctl call though: Apparently it even supports a #pixel mode, but it's not clear how exactly they are addressed?
Awesome, the new #framework #laptop just #shipped and it's getting great #reviews It's still unfortunately outside of my #budget - but seems like a great little machine, especially given the advocacy for #righttorepair ! Hopefully this machine is a standard for future #opensource devices!