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@barray on Thu Sep 29 22:45:11 UTC 2022 said: &e
Interesting piece of #news - the first #us #military #trans person was recently #honeypot and #caught trying to give #medical #secrets to #russia https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/f.. Instead they were met with an #undercover #fbi #agent . Such a weird story.
@barray on Sun Sep 04 18:18:58 UTC 2022 said: &e
Kind of #annoying , this #project on #hackaday got #featured simply for being #trans , rather than being a #noteworthy #hack https://hackaday.com/2022/09/03/pretty-p.. As I #commented , the #wiring is #dangerous and could cause a #short . It could quite literally #burn down their #office ...
@barray on Fri Jul 01 10:50:36 UTC 2022 said: &e
And here comes the #detrans #backlash for the massive #trans push: https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/childr.. I hope in the #uk they sue the #nhs into #oblivion - #children should not be undergoing such changes, they are not of #consenting age and as we now see, do not always make #mature #decisions .
@barray on Tue Jun 07 16:21:39 UTC 2022 said: &e
Harrowing #transgender #detrans #trans #story https://youtube.com/watch?v=BIf89N63uWA I really *hope* that people know what they are doing. This isn't to say the majority are like this, but at least quite a few are.
@barray on Wed Mar 23 22:22:56 UTC 2022 said: &e
Well, that #answers that #question - how do #trans people get treated during #war https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/u.. The answer is, they #undress you at the #border and #check for a #penis . It's #war , what do you expect?
@barray on Mon Mar 21 18:03:01 UTC 2022 said: &e
#babylonbee finally got a #joke #banned from #twitter because it was about a #trans person #winning an #award for being their #biological #gender https://babylonbee.com/news/babylon-bee-.. After all of these years, *that* is the thing that finally gets them yeeted. Interesting.
@barray on Tue Dec 14 18:35:25 UTC 2021 said: &e
A little #controversy for you with #trans people in #sport https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/female.. These are #issues that need to be addressed... They can't just be swept under the carpet. #women 's #sport is seriously at risk right now unless some rules emerge. I'm not sure if there is a nice solution to this problem at all.
@barray on Fri Dec 03 13:56:43 UTC 2021 said: &e
#startrek #discovery has become a #political mess. You have " #trans " #characters , #gay #couples , #minorities , a #women only #leadership (I'm sure that will lead to a great #future of course), a common #threat they must all work together to tackle ( #covid ), a #black woman going around killing #starfleet " #officers " (a call back to #blm ) - I'm sure they won't find a way to #justify that... The #politics is clear. I don't even mind it - I just don't appreciate an #agenda pushed down my throat.
@barray on Mon Nov 15 17:50:17 UTC 2021 said: &e
Apparently the #snp #scottish #government are now putting #tampons into #men 's #bathrooms encase #trans staff need them: https://www.lotuseaters.com/scottish-gov.. Note that this is by direction by #stonewall - whom have apparently been paid nearly half a #million #pounds for this exceptional #advice over 4 years. I'm sure nothing bad will come of this.
@barray on Fri Nov 05 01:00:37 UTC 2021 said: &e
When people say "there is no #issues surrounding the #trans #debate and it's just #bigots #arguing against their existence" - point them at this: https://www.lotuseaters.com/12-trans-sex.. Bare in mind, at least some of these newly formed #women still look like #men , have #male #genitalia , were #imprisoned for #sex related #crime and will be now put in the space of #vulnerable #women ... It will not end well.
@barray on Tue Sep 28 02:21:17 UTC 2021 said: &e
#germany have apparently #elected two #trans #women to #parliament https://timcast.com/news/germany-elects-.. This isn't itself a problem. What is a problem is the #ideology of #victimhood , the #destruction of #gender and any #conservative / #liberal concepts, the push of #green ideology at *any* #cost ... These people are scary not for what they are, but what they believe. Also scary is that the #green #party in Germany is #centreleft ...
@barray on Tue Sep 28 01:14:11 UTC 2021 said: &e
Apparently it's now #transphobic to suggest that only #women have a #cervix https://www.zerohedge.com/political/uk-l.. If that's the case, I assume that when #cervix #transplants become available, no #trans man-woman will want one - because they are already a #woman ? Of course they'll get it. #redefining that a #woman is doesn't help #trans people reach their goal of changing #gender ... #starmer is a smooth brain fool.
@barray on Thu Sep 16 22:49:59 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Thu Sep 16 11:33:32 UTC 2021 said: &e
I swear to god, if #ythelastman essentially concludes "all the #men #died and then #society got better" then I'm going to lose my shit. Looking at the #reviews it looks like people either *really* like it or absolutely hate it: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8042500/rev.. I'll give it a chance, but so far I'm not liking the #politics bullshit it brings in.
#ythelastman brings up some interesting questions regarding #trans people for sure... All the #men #die - but the #trans #men are all left. Ouch. Touchy grounds. I'm still not sure, but maybe this show has some chops - still yet to be answered. I can see why #women get pissed off at this show in the #reviews - 5 minutes without men and it all went to shit. To be entirely fair, the same would happen if women #disappeared all of a sudden.
@barray on Sun Aug 01 07:25:12 UTC 2021 said: &e
#webmd have posted a article about removing #sex and #gender from #birth certificates: https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/news.. The problem is, #genderneutral doesn't help #medical #doctors diagnose problems. It may be inconvenient for the handful of #trans people who have to explain the difference, but this is a matter of safety. Their biggest problem apparently is #schools - *children are not sexual and do not have gender* - how many times?!
@barray on Thu Jul 29 02:51:03 UTC 2021 said: &e
It's almost annoying that it took #trans #lobbyists / #activists to make name changes easier in the world of #academia https://blog.arxiv.org/2021/07/28/scient.. #women for example were not able to continue the old #tradition of adopting the #surname of their make partner after #marriage - or risk losing credit for their #published works. I think this is one of the few good changes pushed for by #lgbt groups
@barray on Mon Jul 12 05:09:42 UTC 2021 said: &e
Yeah... I went down the #rabbithole on this #webring https://emreed.net/LowTech_Directory.htm.. It seems to be an exclusive club of #communists , non-conforming #genders like #trans ( #pronouns in the #bio ) and generally poorly maintained sites. They explicitly state "no #hatespeech or similar" - i.e. nothing that offends them. The #irony of some of the sites having a #freespeech embedded banner is not lost on me.