Really great point about how crap #modern #os #platforms have become: #gui #applications used to run in milliseconds, now we wait for several seconds, despite #computation being orders of magnitude greater.
Wow, #tiny 11 is a #windows 11 #os #install that uses just 2GB of #ram and 8GB of #disk space: The crappy thing is that #windows #xp uses to use 64MB of #ram and a comparably small amount of #disk space. It is completely out of control.
I #forgot about the #raspberrypi #raspberry #pi #os #lite #distribution Should be good for running on older #raspberry #pi #hardware !
#drewdevault 's #article on #plan 9 is pretty cool, there is a lot I didn't know about the #research #os that seems obvious when it's said outloud: Opening a #socket for example is insanely simple. I really hope that #unix can borrow more of these ideas.
#google are apparently working on a new #os called #katos which is supposed to be focussed on #security Apparently it is built on #rust and a #microkernel . Let's see where it goes. It's not entirely clear to me just yet exactly what they intend to do with this, so it may be dead in the water before it even starts.
Sadly, most of the #pinetab #linux #os #images do not work for me at all: Seems to be a dead #device ...
Just #installed #watchmate for #pinetime 's #infinitime #os and it seems to work great: Currently #flashing the latest #firmware via it, #fingerscrossed it doesn't brick it!
Pretty #insane #effort to write your own #os in #assembly and #support so many #platforms and #programs #snowdrop reminds me a lot of #mikeos !
I #suspect that this move to create a brand new #programming #language will result in the #death of #serenityos Not only do you now need to #learn a new #os #architecture , you also need to learn a new #software #language . I believe this creates too much of a #barrier for new people to come in and work on this #project .
Pretty #impressive - #reactos , one of the #oldest #os #communities I have been a part of, is now #capable of running #battlefield #windows #binaries
Great #instruction on #writing an #os #fromscratch Excellent #book !
An awesome #project called #mikeos I have followed for *years* now: Well worth checking out. One of the most #hardcore #os #communities going I think.
Very interesting to #listen to the #creator of #serenityos #discuss his background with #alcohol #addiction and how he overcame it with this #os #project #andreaskling used to write #webkit for #apple !
Awesome, the #raspberrpi #os #raspbian now ships in 64 bit! Apparently there should be a small #performance #boost as a result...
Interesting #article about dropping #support for #iso #images in an #os #release I never realised the #iso #format is so insane. Still, not having an #iso file is quite #inconvenient !
Okay, the #apache #nuttx #os on #pine 's BL602/04 #pinecom is pretty cool, being #posix and all: This could be really something that opens up #embedded #devices to #linux #developers ! I could even imagine writing the #linuxpda with this!