Very #tempted to use a #pinephone as a #mini #laptop #linux #pda #device It really doesn't look so bad for taking #notes , #progamming #scripts and doing a small amount of #internet #browsing !
Interesting use of a #ramdisk to avoid #corruption in the case of a #powercut on a #linux #device Definitely worth thinking about!
Okay, a #beepberry is precisely what I'm looking for in a #linux #pda , but it is #soldout already: The #price is even perfect too. I've requested to be put on the #preorder Amazing little #device !
Very cool #debian #linux " #factory ", where you can #build #custom #linux #distributions with some simple #script This is something that really tickles me, but unfortunately I know I will never get time for such a task.
Interesting #article about increasing #linux #compatibility I would say quite a few of these are generally good #tips in any case.
#debian appear to be one of the #brave #linux #distributions to remove #python 2 and #support only #python 3:
Greant #rant about why #linux is becoming stronger and will overtake the #competitors in the space: The important thign is that there is an #army of #programmers that are excited about it...
Very cool #talk by #gregkroah about how the #linux #kernel is #developed and #tested
Thank god, we can finally #disable #snaps in #ubuntu , after this *shite* was #forced on us: I really hate that #ubuntu #developers assume they know better than #linux #developers , despite #linux already having a massive #barrier to entry.
In a strange twist, it might be #ubuntu that end up making a #linux #desktop for #mobile #phones In all honesty it would be shite though, the #gnome #js #engine is crap.
Might be worth checking out #hidden #volumes on #linux - you know, just encase: It's not as if we haven't been given reason to be #skeptical of #government #spying , etc.
Interesting #xorg #xserver #userspace #hack left in the #linux #kernel because of #popular #broken #code It means that all #programs that start with the letter 'X' are run completely differently from other #software . Potentially could have been used for #malware or something!
Looking forward to #slower #linux #kernels and #drivers in the #future as the #rust #language becomes more popular: These people seem to #forget that #memory #safety is just *one* type of #kernel #bug . Also bad #logic can be written in *any* #language .
Wow, this new #phone #supports #riscv The benefit over this on top of a #linux #pda type #device is that it also supports #vocal and #text #messages , instead of just #data . Interesting that they are using #espressif 's #esp 32 #wifi and #bluetooth #module for additional #connectivity .
Looks like you can break #linux 's #sudo by setting a really small #password , causing a #heap -based #overflow I'm sure there is no concern here... Of course, nobody should really be setting such small #passwords .
Pretty interesting #handheld #linux #console Worth keeping an eye on...