Interesting that #rust doesn't appear to have been as amazing as it was made out to be: It looks like #programming and #refactoring has significant #resistance .
Those using #ai #programming #assistants write more #insecure #code By that #logic , they likely have more #logic #errors , and likely add more #secutity #bugs . I'm also worried that we now get #generations of #programmers with zero #programming #capability .
#remind me to use this in some C or #cpp #code ! Especially when handling an #error , it is pretty funny! #trigraphs could be used for all kinds of #programming #trolling .
#richardstallman has #published a #gnu C #programming #language #reference #manual , only some 40 years late: Very cool, if not a little hard to #access for the average person!
I agree here with the use of the C #programming #language for #prototypes , these days I find it very useful with just a #handful of #helper #libraries
Pretty good breakdown of #oneline #bugs Tonnes of them are in #cfamily #programming #languages , but these are usually heavy-lifting #tools that need to run super fast.
#drewdevault - a massive name in the #programming space, was #banned from #go 's #issue #tracker due to asking about #network #traffic to his #server from their #modules In an effort to #reduce #bandwidth he was banned... Great #community they have there...
I #suspect that this move to create a brand new #programming #language will result in the #death of #serenityos Not only do you now need to #learn a new #os #architecture , you also need to learn a new #software #language . I believe this creates too much of a #barrier for new people to come in and work on this #project .
I think generally that #programming #interviews are really crappy at judging how well a #candidate will fit into a #role I think it would be much better to give a #problem and a #laptop , then let the #interviewee #explain how they might #solve the problem - including various #considerations . If they solve the problem #theoretically , throw in a random additional problem and then ask them how they would #modify the #plan .
Interesting, #gcc and generally #cfamily #programming can be quite messy!
Pretty cool that #gbnews will be playing #godsavethequeen every day as part of regular #programming !
Ouch, the #fbi got caught out with crappy #server #programming for #sending out a #confirmation #email - where the #content is #generated #clientside ! This is insanely dumb!
Awesome, a new #programming #language for #australians !
An insight into what an #engineering #manager gets up to - mostly #meetings As people in some other #comments pointed out, the best way to increase #productivity is to get out of #meetings ! I remember I used to have two #displays at my old #engineering #job and would just be #programming during these #video #calls to #india and the like. They were mostly an utter waste of my time.