Interesting #blog #article on multi- #gigabyte #json files: It looks like I really need to learn more about #gnu #parallel , seems like a pretty cool tool!
#gnu #parallel is a great #tool by the looks of it: Will be looking to make more use of this in the #future !
Some cool #research on #hvm - a #hvm that converts a #functional #haskell like #language to a super fast #vm It's a little #misleading in some parts, but the #parallel #computing is pretty cool!
Just a #reminder that #sorting can be super easy (in terms of #algorithm #complexity ): Of course, it's not that #efficient ... But there could be a lot of #opportunity to run it in #parallel or make #domain specific #shortcuts ... As the #hackernews #comments point out, it's been #discovered many times before: Could be really fun to take a look at this at a later date!