Very good work by #benjojo on #bgp #security #issues I think we can expect large #dos and #ddos #cyber #attacks soon! Turns out that the #isp #bgp #routing is crazy bad!
This is very true, going from a #typed #language back to #python causes so many #issues #python lets you write #code fast, but if it becomes large, it quikcly grows out of control.
Very good #video by #lotuseaters called " #bokrenomics " that pulls apart the #issues with the current #financial system: Insanely #insightful and interesting.
Pretty interesting. The #cpu #speculative #computing that #intel and #amd had *massive* #security #issues with recently seems to be #redundant with some better #designed #cpu #architecture that better handles some #edgecases This could be a way forward for both #companies , and potentially something for #arm to look at!
Okay... #russia are claiming they cannot #conform #gas #supply to #italy apparently due to #issues in #austria ? On the plus side, #italy had already made great efforts to #diversify their #naturalgas #supply away from #russia . Just in the nick of time.
Just has a mini #power #cut (<250ms) - none of my #systems went #offline - success! On the other hand, I did notice that it did #correlate with #issues with the #internet #connection too.
#china is now tapping into their #strategic #food #supplies - really we should expect #issues soon: #food #shortages are really coming soon.
Lol, a #green #politician in #germany sent #fake #nazi #death #threats to himself: Apparently this caused massive #issues , and it all turned out to be #faked . Instead of #resigning , he should actually be getting a #prison #sentence for this shit.
@barray on Wed Aug 17 18:35:09 UTC 2022 said: &eOkay, this #pine 64 #drama got a little more interesting. #marekkraus #replied on behalf of #pine and essentially claimed he was wrong: #drewdevault then #replied and rubbished this reply: Seems like there are #issues there, whether they want to #admit it or not.Very interesting #discussion about why a #pine 64 #developer #martijnbraam left the #community in a high position: The #hackernews #comments are pretty interesting too:
Great #advances in #java 17 - definitely worth checking out and addresses many #issues and #annoyances I previously had:
The new #kernel #feature #iouring is filled with #security #issues it seems: More work is needed before this gets #primetime .
This is a great #article about various #cache #issues and #bugs experienced at #twitter When #cache works, it is awesome. When it #fails , it can be #catastrophic to your #system or #service ... It's something that *needs* to be done 100% correctly!
The #olympics is really in trouble: #serpentza does a great job a highlighting many of the #issues , including #tracking #athletes , #genocide , #nazi like #propaganda - as well as much more. In another #video we also hear about how #us #athletes #renounce their #citizenship and become #chinese to #compete for #china !
Apparently #maori #leaders have demanded that #nz #remove the #queen as #headofstate I understand some of the #historic #issues they have, but #kiwis already self-govern entirely, with the added #protection from the #monarch . The #reality is though that they want to see #white #people gone from the #islands entirely, which is impossible. The situation is complex, but for sure #compromise is needed.
A little #controversy for you with #trans people in #sport These are #issues that need to be addressed... They can't just be swept under the carpet. #women 's #sport is seriously at risk right now unless some rules emerge. I'm not sure if there is a nice solution to this problem at all.
God this thing is fucking dangerous: A #robot #humanoid #teddy without even a #demo of the thing working! I made a great #hackernews #comment on just *some* of the #issues they will face with this thing: