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@barray on Thu May 25 19:38:31 UTC 2023 said: &e
Super #weird #error in #debian just now, it completely #refused to #detect #usb #ports even after #resetting them in the #kernel #modules . For me, #linux has always had #issues with #usb compared to other #os '.
@barray on Sat Nov 05 15:49:40 UTC 2022 said: &e
#python is such a #strange #language . There are some super #weird #raceconditions in some of the #functions (at leasr some of the #libraries ).
@barray on Thu Nov 03 09:43:02 UTC 2022 said: &e
Really #weird to see #cnbc 's #jimcramer go on a pro- #china 's #ccp zero #covid #lockdown #rant https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/watch-.. I really don't think these people have a #brain attached to the words coming out of their mouths...
@barray on Mon Oct 24 16:33:57 UTC 2022 said: &e
Really weird, #deepmind keep #publishing #unique (new?) #articles in the past. I wonder if they are for some reason wanting to build up some #history slyly? Or perhaps these have been #pending due to #publications or something? Just #weird .
@barray on Tue Feb 22 00:41:16 UTC 2022 said: &e
Woah, these #weird #data #types are the sort of things that keep me up at night! https://begriffs.com/posts/2018-11-15-c-.. Seems almost #impossible to write #portable #code !
@barray on Sat Aug 07 12:31:03 UTC 2021 said: &e
I've been drinking #keto #beer and yet my #heartrate is below 50... Very #weird ... I could literally feel it dropping. This #keto business has done some crazy stuff to me.