Oh wow, #async in #python can #silently kill a #thread if you don't maintain a #reference ! https://textual.textualize.io/blog/2023/.. I think most examples I saw had exactly this #bug !
This is why #python #sucks for #type #hinting https://old.reddit.com/r/Python/comments.. This is one of many reasons I have always considered it to be a #hacky #language .
Impressive #python #interpreter in just 5000 #loc https://github.com/blueloveTH/pocketpy Very cool!
This is very true, going from a #typed #language back to #python causes so many #issues https://avi.im/blag/2023/refactoring-pyt.. #python lets you write #code fast, but if it becomes large, it quikcly grows out of control.
#debian appear to be one of the #brave #linux #distributions to remove #python 2 and #support only #python 3: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugrepor..
Pretty cool, some #researchers have been using #gps to #detect #northkorean #icmb #launches https://twitter.com/armscontrolwonk/stat.. The #python #code is here: https://github.com/tylerni7/missile-tid Very cool work!
Very cool, it looks like #micropython is making its way to #arduino , which should make #microcontrollers more #accessible https://hackaday.com/2022/11/14/arduino-.. #python is quite easy for newcomers to #learn , so would be a nice addition.
#python is such a #strange #language . There are some super #weird #raceconditions in some of the #functions (at leasr some of the #libraries ).
Nice little way of #parsing #arguments in #python https://www.jefftk.com/p/lazy-python-arg..
#totp , #time -based one-time #passwords are a pretty interesting #concept https://drewdevault.com/2022/10/18/TOTP-.. Seems to be a #python #implementation that people can play with too: https://github.com/susam/mintotp
A #html only #forum written in #python https://github.com/Demindiro/agreper The I saw somebody linked one written in #php under 1kB: https://nerdparadise.com/programming/php.. And then somebody wrote an improved version: https://gist.github.com/Xeoncross/150359.. I could be pretty interested in writing one in C at some point using #udatabase and #smollibs .
Nice #persistent #keyvalue #store #database #library for #python that is #persistent and has better #performance than #sqlite named #dbm https://remusao.github.io/posts/python-d.. I wonder how well it handles #random #close , etc. Would be great of it also handles #crashing !
#python #pickle appears to be quite #slow and #dangerous ! https://www.benfrederickson.com/dont-pic.. Damn. I even almost used it for a #server #project !
I've been using this #python #pip #install #trick for a while now to ensure the correct #version of #pip is run against the correct #version of #python https://snarky.ca/why-you-should-use-pyt.. In then #bash #alias it to pip_2 and pip_3 to save time.
Nice really small #deeplearning #framework written in #python that #supports #yolo https://github.com/geohot/tinygrad Could be a great way to #learn the #guts of #dnn 's or to create something more #complex .
Interesting, despite #claims otherwise, #python does allow for #raceconditions https://verdagon.dev/blog/python-data-ra.. You must be *very* careful about this sort of thing. Consider something like `char* x; ++x = ++x;` - does it #evaluate the left or right side first? (I believe this is #undefined #behaviour and most good #compilers just #reject it.) I imagine such things are also the case in #rust too - there are some things that are simply #impossible to #determine before #runtime ...