Finally, it appears #coffeespace is back up again - no thanks to the #vps #provider #chicagovps , which after *3 weeks* couldn't figure out how to #accept my #payment .
Because of lack of #ram for the #coffeespace #server , I find myself #typing into a #gvim #window more often to pre-write #messages for this #platform . It has got me thinking, I could probably #write a small #offline #application that does exactly this, and #sends this stuff when it comes back #online . It would also mean I could #port this to much #smaller #devices without having to worry about #resources . I just need a way to #confirm a #message was sent...
Probably now running too much on the #coffeespace #server , it keeps #crashing due to low #ram ! There aren't many tricks left in my book to #reduce the #ram on the #server . The largest #program is actually #deadsocial ... Using 20% of the #ram all by itself.
Seem to be running out of #ram on the #coffeespace #server , despite writing ultra #lightweight #software for it... Ouch.
#monitoring the #crypto #crash of #bitcoin , #eth , #tether , #coinbase , etc. Not looking good. Hope to write a quick #coffeespace #article later...
#trump was right about #germany 's #dependency on #russian #oil I also mentioned this on a #coffeespace #article a few months back: It's not looking good at all, with very few #options now available to #germans .
Happy to #announce that #coffeespace now has #observations where an #image is #displayed to #observe an #important #event In this case of course it is #ukraine .
At some point I hope to be able to finish the #database for the #databaseconcept I wrote about in a recent #coffeespace #article Once #index #caching is #fixed , it should be a super speedy and simple #keyvalue #store ! It will eventually be called #udatabase and will be the basis for even more exciting #future #projects !
Screw using #cloudflare to #ssh into all of my #servers I wrote just the other say an #article on #coffeespace how I moved from their #dns #service and that you can't really trust them at all:
Interesting #implementation of an #email based #comments #section Will check this out for #coffeespace ... Could be quite a #viable #alternative to #abusing #deadsocial for this #purpose !
This could be a cool #method of #editing #pages on #coffeespace I may consider this as a #plausible #workflow !
If think #coffeespace #articles need to be easier to #write ... I'm thinking they need a #markdown #editor along with a #template that can all be operated from the #browser - the reason being that I could write a #publish articles from any #device ... It all requires some thinking though, I am not sure it can be achieved easily...
Really #enjoyed this #episode #podcast of #linuxunplugged where they are making #predictions for #linux in 2022: Reminds me that I need to review my own #christmas #predictions ! My #coffeespace #prediction list from last year has been relatively good:
@barray on Sat Dec 11 15:55:38 UTC 2021 said: &eI wrote a #coffeespace #article about the serious #java #log #bug #rce log4j the other day: I've seen people try to actively #exploit my #server ! There are some great #memes that have appeared as a result of this very real #security #issue Have a look through and give yourself a laugh!Ouch, the #serious #java #log #bug #rce in log4j is being actively #exploited - perhaps as early as March: Many #servers are being actively #attacked and #hacked right now. All from using a #logging #library !
Interesting #article and #website #dedicated to running your own #socialmedia It reminds me that I still need to write my #coffeespace #article about the #design for the #deadsocial #successor !
@barray on Thu Dec 02 05:23:34 UTC 2021 said: &eRegarding the #linuxpda #project - I wrote a #coffeespace #article about the #proposal of using an M5 #stack #core 2 #esp 32 #iot #device Now, I have finally #purchased one! It was about $75 #nzd in the end, but it is a project I am passionate about. Apparently at the time of writing, there is now only 1 left! So it's a good job I ordered it when I did!Regarding the #linuxpda #project , I am seriously considering the M5 #stack #core 2 #esp 32 #iot #device Okay, it's not #linux , but otherwise it offers everything else I am looking for currently. The ability to program it through the #arduino #environment should also rapidly improve #development too. I had a really good experience (minus some bugs) working on the #digispark !