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@barray on Thu Apr 28 09:20:52 UTC 2022 said: &e
Really excited for the #pinedio #stack and the potential it will have to be used in the #pda #linuxpda #project https://lupyuen.github.io/articles/touch Still need to get cracking with that project.
@barray on Mon Apr 11 11:08:24 UTC 2022 said: &e
The #pinedio #stack is pretty cool, can't wait to get hold of one for the #linuxpda #project ! https://lupyuen.github.io/articles/pined.. #wifi , #bluetooth , #lora and much more - this is a seriously #powerful piece of #hardware ! In theory it could even handle #usb too!
@barray on Tue Mar 29 07:17:30 UTC 2022 said: &e
Any incredibly #complex and #intricate #stack -based #integer #overflow #exploit for the #linux #kernel https://lwn.net/ml/oss-security/1b176761.. These people are nothing short of #genius - I honestly would not know where to begin with this.
@barray on Mon Feb 07 16:00:57 UTC 2022 said: &e
#pine 's #pindio #stack as written about by #jf is pretty exciting! https://codingfield.com/blog/2021-12/fir.. Great to hear that it could make the basis for a new #pinetime ! It could even be possible it runs some for of *very small* #linux / #unix #kernel ! It has #lora , #gps , #wifi , #bluetooth , #memory , #heartrate #sensor , #compass , #usb - this little thing is simple insanely well equipped!
@barray on Thu Feb 03 21:02:44 UTC 2022 said: &e
#business #idea - a #modern take on a #tamagotchi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamagotchi This would be based on similar #hardware to the M5 #stack #core 2 and would employ #modern #techniques such as #machine #learning , #iot , #connectivity , etc. The #concept would be to create an #emotionally #compelling #agent whose overall #goal is to #maximize #engagement . It would pre- #trained , but be allowed to freely #learn in the wild, with some #safety #parameters and #reset #functionality .
@barray on Mon Dec 06 12:43:20 UTC 2021 said: &e
@barray on Thu Dec 02 05:23:34 UTC 2021 said: &e
Regarding the #linuxpda #project , I am seriously considering the M5 #stack #core 2 #esp 32 #iot #device https://shop.m5stack.com/products/m5stac.. Okay, it's not #linux , but otherwise it offers everything else I am looking for currently. The ability to program it through the #arduino #environment should also rapidly improve #development too. I had a really good experience (minus some bugs) working on the #digispark !
Regarding the #linuxpda #project - I wrote a #coffeespace #article about the #proposal of using an M5 #stack #core 2 #esp 32 #iot #device https://coffeespace.org.uk/projects/linu.. Now, I have finally #purchased one! https://shop.m5stack.com/products/m5stac.. It was about $75 #nzd in the end, but it is a project I am passionate about. Apparently at the time of writing, there is now only 1 left! So it's a good job I ordered it when I did!
@barray on Thu Dec 02 05:23:34 UTC 2021 said: &e
Regarding the #linuxpda #project , I am seriously considering the M5 #stack #core 2 #esp 32 #iot #device https://shop.m5stack.com/products/m5stac.. Okay, it's not #linux , but otherwise it offers everything else I am looking for currently. The ability to program it through the #arduino #environment should also rapidly improve #development too. I had a really good experience (minus some bugs) working on the #digispark !
@barray on Fri Sep 24 01:40:51 UTC 2021 said: &e
Ouch, it appears the #espressif #esp 32 has a #bluetooth #bug that allows #rce https://hackaday.com/2021/09/23/bluetoot.. I absolutely dread to think what is #vulnerable in their #wifi #stack !