Very cool, #valve #banned 40k #players using #hacked #clients by #honeytrapping their #clients running unused #code Would be great to see this method used more often!
#pizzalovingnerd has a great #video on an incredibly bad #windows #clone using #linux underneath: The " #analytics " was " #hacked " simply by using the #username and #password that comes in the #installation - fucking insanely bad #security .
After doing some #pentesting of a #wordpress #website , I am surprised they do not get #hacked way more often to be honest: The entire use of the #database and lack of #caching by default seems to be quite an issue. You can #ddos an otherwise #static #website entirely off of the #internet quite easily.
Oh man, #apple can't even make #guarantees about #data #integrity because they #hacked some #code around #fsync to #cheat on #performance #benchmarks Even when calling #ffullsync you *still* cannot be sure the data is written to #disk ! It's a #corruption #nightmare - #forget running a #database , you can barely run *any* #program that relies on a #reliable #filesystem !
So, apparently #twofactor #authentication , not only has allowed #youtube #creators to be #hacked by #social #engineering their #phonenumber from #providers , not only has it #locked people out of their #accounts because they lost their #phone , but now it also allows people to be #tracked ! And this isn't to mention the number of people who *don't* have a #smartphone !
So #weth #wormhole just got #hacked for approximately one third of their #liquidity Apparently it was achieved by waiting for a #security #commit and then quickly #exploiting it before the #servers were #updated *Stop #investing into random #crypto #coins - a single #bug is your end!*
Well this is truly #terrifying - it appears that #syniverse #routes tonnes of the #us 's #text #messages and they were #hacked This puts #security measures like 2FA at serious risk. The company responded to the #hack - essentially saying 'it'll likely happen again, get over it'.
I remember working on a #linefollow #robot for an #undergraduate #course at #university - I essentially ended up developing some kind of very #hacked " #neuralnetwork ": I hadn't really learned about #pid at this point, but after some time I started to #reinvent the idea of a #pid #controller from scratch. It's really great when we can come to the same conclusions through different methods!
This is an insanely cool #hack - literally a #hacked up #sony #playstation 2 #pcb ! Can't beat #native #emulation !
At this point, I wouldn't rule out the #hubble #telescope having been #hacked Currently #nasa believe it is that some part has #degraded - but we'll see. Fixing a #component failure in #space will be a super pain in the arse in any case.
Looks like a tonne of #iran #dotcom #domains have be seized and/or #hacked by the #us Seems also fair to link to one of the seized websites: Thanks #harris and #biden !
Another server #hacked - seems like tonnes of infrastructure is being hacked these past few months...