Nice #persistent #keyvalue #store #database #library for #python that is #persistent and has better #performance than #sqlite named #dbm I wonder how well it handles #random #close , etc. Would be great of it also handles #crashing !
Might be worth checking out the #keyvalue #store of the new #sqlite 4 #release I'm still quite happy with the #performance of #udatabase I still need to work on that to make it work with #embedded #systems - the only real #issue is making sure the #hashing works.
At some point I hope to be able to finish the #database for the #databaseconcept I wrote about in a recent #coffeespace #article Once #index #caching is #fixed , it should be a super speedy and simple #keyvalue #store ! It will eventually be called #udatabase and will be the basis for even more exciting #future #projects !