@barray on Thu Dec 02 05:23:34 UTC 2021 said: &eRegarding the #linuxpda #project - I wrote a #coffeespace #article about the #proposal of using an M5 #stack #core 2 #esp 32 #iot #device https://coffeespace.org.uk/projects/linu.. Now, I have finally #purchased one! https://shop.m5stack.com/products/m5stac.. It was about $75 #nzd in the end, but it is a project I am passionate about. Apparently at the time of writing, there is now only 1 left! So it's a good job I ordered it when I did!Regarding the #linuxpda #project , I am seriously considering the M5 #stack #core 2 #esp 32 #iot #device https://shop.m5stack.com/products/m5stac.. Okay, it's not #linux , but otherwise it offers everything else I am looking for currently. The ability to program it through the #arduino #environment should also rapidly improve #development too. I had a really good experience (minus some bugs) working on the #digispark !
Pretty cool piece of #art for a #marriage #proposal https://github.com/bencbartlett/3D-print.. I would never have considered the possibility of using #mirrors to perform such a task, it's really well executed.
I think the #uk , #us , #brazil , #russia and others are right to #reject the new #un #proposal to introduce a #clean #environment as a #humanright https://www.reuters.com/business/environ.. It #weakens the existing rights and allows for them and the #language around them to be #rewritten . Also, there is no way this could be meaningfully #enforced .
Looks like w3c are #rejecting a #proposal for #unique #decentralized #id 's: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/pub.. Apparently this is on the basis that it is not #energy #efficient due to the use of #blockchain - I somewhat have to agree. *Anything* that relies on blockchain will eventually grow to an #unsustainable #size , #computation or both. #proofofwork is simply not going to cut it.
Interesting, the #wuhan #lableak #theory is looking more and more likely by the minute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m7l1V9G.. There were #leaked #documents showing they wrote a #proposal to " #release #enhanced #airborne #coronavirus particles into #chinese #bat populations to #inoculate them against #diseases that could jump to humans": https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/09.. #smokinggun ?
Interesting #proposal for a #epaper #eink #dumbterminal #laptop http://www.paperterm.org/notes.html Will be interesting to see if anything comes of it in the future...
Interesting #idea by #apple #webkit #developers for a 3D #html #element to display 3D objects: https://github.com/WebKit/explainers/tre.. I think there could really be a need for something, but I fear that it could end up being a #gameengine ... I think the #proposal needs work, such as #camera definitions, etc. Otherwise the viewing experience will not be the same across #browsers - or even similar setups.
Yeah this is an absolutely batshit insane #proposal for " #maori #data ": https://www.taiuru.maori.nz/maori-data-s.. Essentially, for 1000+ years, anything and everything about Maori #culture can only be owned by Maori people, used by Maori people, edited/updated by Maori people, etc. This is the *most* #restrictive #information #license I have *ever* seen. No #publisher could *ever* possibly write anything about Maori people. It's #cultural suicide if people cannot even record it.
This #proposal #abstract is often looked at as a #failure in #ai - but I think it was actually a great #success http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/histo.. In just two months, some of the biggest names got together and really fleshed out the #complexity of #artificial #intelligence - and made tonnes of advance in further understanding how hard the problem really is. In this way, people could make better estimates of how difficult the #problemspace really is.