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@barray on Thu Nov 25 13:50:36 UTC 2021 said: &e
Okay, the #apache #nuttx #os on #pine 's BL602/04 #pinecom is pretty cool, being #posix and all: https://lupyuen.github.io/articles/nuttx This could be really something that opens up #embedded #devices to #linux #developers ! I could even imagine writing the #linuxpda with this!
@barray on Mon Aug 30 15:06:14 UTC 2021 said: &e
Man I really want a #pine #pinennote https://tuxphones.com/pinenote-eink-linu.. It's a shame I've really got no #time or #money right now to work on such a device. I'm still holding out for a #pinecom #eink #wifi device that runs #linux - not something unlike a #pda ...
@barray on Thu Aug 26 10:49:05 UTC 2021 said: &e
I keep thinking that the killer #device I *really* want is an #internet connected #pda with #gps and perhaps #lora ... I want to build out essentially what is a #wiphone - my hope was that #pine 's #pinecom would be this device, but I really suspect the only way to achieve this will be to build it myself after this #phd ...