So glad I asked #lupyuen to #writeup his #work so many years ago, he's doing great work - I don't know where he finds the time! #apache 's #nuttx actually looks pretty #promising , when I get a chance I really want to check it out: It's a #posix #rtos #os that is super interesting, even offering some #unix #capabilities !
@barray on Wed Dec 15 16:17:55 UTC 2021 said: &eInteresting, some people have written a #hotpatch for #apache 's #logger log4j where it purposely #injects a #patch into a #compromised #java #server Very cool!I wrote a #coffeespace #article about the serious #java #log #bug #rce log4j the other day: I've seen people try to actively #exploit my #server ! There are some great #memes that have appeared as a result of this very real #security #issue Have a look through and give yourself a laugh!
Okay, the #apache #nuttx #os on #pine 's BL602/04 #pinecom is pretty cool, being #posix and all: This could be really something that opens up #embedded #devices to #linux #developers ! I could even imagine writing the #linuxpda with this!