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@barray on Mon Jun 26 22:33:17 UTC 2023 said: &e
Pretty cool new #arduino #uno with an #espressif #esp 32 chip for #wifi and #usb https://store.arduino.cc/products/uno-r4.. Basically everything has been increased, this is quite #powerful !
@barray on Sun Feb 05 15:47:56 UTC 2023 said: &e
Pretty good #explanation of the #esp #espressif #ecosystem https://eitherway.io/posts/esp32-buyers-.. Pretty cool options available!
@barray on Wed Dec 21 14:41:42 UTC 2022 said: &e
Very cool (literally), adding just a 1ms #delay to an #espressif #esp 8266 #web #server decreases #power #consumption significantly: https://www.tablix.org/~avian/blog/archi.. It's really amazing how such a small action can make such a large difference.
@barray on Thu Oct 20 09:16:39 UTC 2022 said: &e
I think I may actually need one of these #espressif #esp 32 #controllers with #can in the future: https://hackaday.com/2022/10/10/this-esp.. I have a #sideproject to build some #automotive #electronics ... Would be great to be able to #flash the #device #remotely from inside a #sealed unit, rather than take it apart to #reflash it. Also would be great to collect #data #remotely too.
@barray on Thu Sep 01 10:36:45 UTC 2022 said: &e
The #wemos D1 R2 #arduino #uno #compatible #board sporting an #espressif #esp 8266 is still pretty cool, despite being quite old now. I have mine currently #powered from a super old #lipo via the #input , which should at #minimum accept 6V, running happily from 4.2V or less. A very impressive little device!
@barray on Thu Jun 30 11:20:41 UTC 2022 said: &e
Awesome, the #raspberrypi #foundation have just #released a #pico with #wifi ! Not sure how this compares to #espressif 's #esp 32 , but certainly it will be a game changer: https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/raspber..
@barray on Thu Jun 23 22:49:24 UTC 2022 said: &e
Very nice #espressif #esp 32 #music #player https://hackaday.com/2022/06/23/faux-ret.. I would certainly use the hell out of one of these!
@barray on Wed Jun 22 23:05:22 UTC 2022 said: &e
Well damn, the new #espressif #esp 32 #microcontroller supports 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz #wifi , #bluetooth and runs on #riscv https://www.espressif.com/en/news/ESP32-.. Very interesting!
@barray on Mon Feb 28 02:52:54 UTC 2022 said: &e
Nice #esp 32 #espressif #vm to allow #dynamic #loading of #programs https://hackaday.com/2022/02/27/esp32-vi.. This is exactly what I intended with the #linuxpda #project ! I think the better option here is likely still #webasm if we can ensure it remains small enough.
@barray on Fri Sep 24 01:40:51 UTC 2021 said: &e
Ouch, it appears the #espressif #esp 32 has a #bluetooth #bug that allows #rce https://hackaday.com/2021/09/23/bluetoot.. I absolutely dread to think what is #vulnerable in their #wifi #stack !
@barray on Tue Aug 24 06:08:26 UTC 2021 said: &e
Very cool #weather #station using an #espressif #esp 8266: https://hackaday.com/2021/08/23/nothing-.. In the future I want to build out a tonne of these little connected #iot devices with #displays - I imagine it could be an awesome way to get #notifications around your house for example, or control some global properties. They also offer a fair amount of #computation and could be even smarter given a chance to do some #distributed #computation !
@barray on Wed Aug 04 20:20:20 UTC 2021 said: &e
Interesting, #espressif - the makers of popular #iot devices like the ESP8266 and ESP32 have just released the ESP32-H2, this time sporting #zigbee 3.x and #thread 1.x https://hackaday.com/2021/08/04/new-part.. And this all still runs on #riscv ! Very cool!