In a strange twist, it might be #ubuntu that end up making a #linux #desktop for #mobile #phones In all honesty it would be shite though, the #gnome #js #engine is crap.
Interesting #chart #library , maybe my biggest #problem is that it doesn't appear to run without #js enabled: #matplotlib will on the other hand #output an #svg perfectly well.
#fuck #ubuntu - the *same* #gnome #js (yes this shit uses #javascript !) #bug from *years* ago... #infinite #logging to the #disk until it #crashes or #fills it... It shouldn't be this tough to #decorate #xserver #windows ! These same people say that #wayland is the future when they can't figure out how to #paint a #border without it losing its shit.
#fingerprinting without using #js More #proof that #browsers and fundamentally #broken ...
I'm thinking to code up a #micro #chat #service for the #coffeespace #website that supports #html #post with some very light #js to #load #chat #logs and #telnet so that people can access from the #terminal ... The idea is that it would be ultra #ram #limited - perhaps something like this: I think C++ would be the way forwards too.
Interesting, never considered #line / #text #wrap before for #css - seems like current options are quite limited without the use of #js
Looks like there could be a #competitor to #pine 's #pinetime Seems like this tiny #smart #watch runs on #js - seems like a nice little #opensource #device ! Double the #price of a #pinetime though:
I wrote a nice #article on #coffeespace about the #elk #js #engine and getting it to do #multitasking I feel as though more could be done to speed it up... The #minimum would be a #compression #utility for the #source to reduce the #footprint ... I'm sure more can be done too to increase the speed...
@barray on Sat Sep 25 02:05:27 UTC 2021 said: &eHell I even like the idea of using this for a #server - each thread gets a #tiny #js #engine powered by #elk to perform some #script ! I think it's a genuinely super powerful idea!I *really* like the #simplicity of this #elk #project 20kB of #flash and as little as 100 bytes of #ram is pretty impressive for running #js ! I like how easy it is to #hook into the #clanguage and even #arduino #ide In theory one could quite easily run multiple #apps at the same time if setup correctly! I *really* want to dig into this!
I *really* like the #simplicity of this #elk #project 20kB of #flash and as little as 100 bytes of #ram is pretty impressive for running #js ! I like how easy it is to #hook into the #clanguage and even #arduino #ide In theory one could quite easily run multiple #apps at the same time if setup correctly! I *really* want to dig into this!
Okay, this is highly #cool It allows #js to be run on #embedded #devices - super awesome! This could make a great base for a #small #os !
Very cool #js #demo inspired by #quake in just 13kB of #javscript Very impressive!
Thinking about it, I could create a #website #optimisation #company Rip out crappy #js - fix #reflow and #delayed #resources - snazz up the #css - I could do a pretty decent job I think.
Very cool #js #library for displaying #maps I remember checking this out during the start of #covid to potentially display #data about potential cases.
The #lightphone is an interesting idea, but it is *way* too expensive at $300: I also don't trust the fact the website *refuses* to run without #js - doesn't lead to great expectations... If it was say $100 or less and #opensource - I could really get behind it.
I've personally experienced #yaml (through #pandoc #configuration ) and #json through many other programs, and I *much* prefer JSON. As mentioned in the following article, YAML is *actively* hostile towards any kind of complex structure: The other benefit for something like JSON is that it is parsed by #js really easily and looks like a #cfamily language.