In a strange twist, it might be #ubuntu that end up making a #linux #desktop for #mobile #phones In all honesty it would be shite though, the #gnome #js #engine is crap.
Could be a new interesting #mobile #computer #device coming soon: Let's see what becomes of this #chat #device ...
Nice #update from #linmob on #mobile #linux First time I knew about #codingfield 's #blog Seems like #pine 's new #pinephonepro is making #progress too.
I wonder about the possibility of using a #supercapacity as a low #energydensity #lipo #replacement for some very #lowpower #mobile #device such as a #linuxpda Sure you won't get as much #energy per gram, but you get ultra #reliable operating and fast #charging (seconds).
Man #atandt sound awful out in the #us They are shutting down their 3G #mobile #network and shafting their long-term customers in the process. They offer a 'free' 'similar spec' #phone as a replacement device, but it doesn't even come close. Take your money elsewhere!
Absolutely epic project to convert an old #nokia #mobile #phone to a #lora device: Insanely cool project.
Would you look at that - the #mobile #phone 's #network was purposely made weak through its #cryptography Imagine my surprise. Backdoors are made every day.