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@barray on Sat Dec 17 10:03:10 UTC 2022 said: &e
I would personally like to see #markrober continue his #war against #thieves , I think this is genuinely a force for good: https://youtube.com/watch?v=iWeu2dxHRDg Honestly I would like to see the #box be more #malicious and #disable their #vehicle or cost them #money . I understand people are in hard times, but these people #stealing were obviously not there trying to #support a #mfaily , they were just chancers.
@barray on Wed Nov 16 01:17:17 UTC 2022 said: &e
Thank god, we can finally #disable #snaps in #ubuntu , after this *shite* was #forced on us: https://merlijn.sebrechts.be/blog/2022-1.. I really hate that #ubuntu #developers assume they know better than #linux #developers , despite #linux already having a massive #barrier to entry.
@barray on Sun Oct 30 23:43:40 UTC 2022 said: &e
Hmm, it doesn't appear to all be going well in the #eu despite it not being #reported https://youtube.com/watch?v=C1P303dZUZk I also would *not* be happy to have a #protestor thinking that can #block a #road because their #ideology is somehow more important than mine. They have a right to #protest but they cannot #disable #critical #infrastructure .
@barray on Fri Mar 11 17:56:16 UTC 2022 said: &e
#samsung #caught #rigging #performance #benchmarks to #sell their #phones https://hackaday.com/2022/03/10/galaxy-u.. Apparently they #disable #cooling #measures whilst running #whitelisted #benchmarks . Problem is, they can't run like this normally as it would lead to the #device #overheating !
@barray on Fri Dec 03 12:51:03 UTC 2021 said: &e
Weird, #biden 's new #infrastructure #bill looks to put in a #mandatory #vehicle #disable / #killswitch if they can figure out how to #manufacture one: https://hothardware.com/news/bidens-infr.. The problem with these bills is that they are almighty messes of un- #focussed #legal #spaghetti ... It's amazing that *this* is the #system that they continue to use, rather than a series of #microbills ...
@barray on Wed Aug 25 11:16:17 UTC 2021 said: &e
I hate #smart #tvs - but this is a great win for #samsung who has been able to #disable #stolen TVs in #southafrica #johannesburg https://news.samsung.com/za/samsung-supp.. But to all others out there - this is exactly why we need non-smart TVs...