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@barray on Sat Feb 18 23:26:29 UTC 2023 said: &e
Great little #implementation in #javascript to #encrypt #static #html #pages https://github.com/robinmoisson/staticry.. Whilst the #idea is simple, the #implementation is not quite.
@barray on Sun Nov 27 15:21:04 UTC 2022 said: &e
The #anime #acertainmagicalindex , #season 1 #episode 20, the #code of the #misaka #virus is just #html haha! The arc of #accelerator is really good though.
@barray on Wed Nov 16 01:18:37 UTC 2022 said: &e
A #hashlink could be an interesting #idea to ensure that #content #linked to has not changed over time: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/dr.. I still think it may be useful as a #link #element in #html to replace all of those #hashsum 's.
@barray on Mon Oct 10 20:43:23 UTC 2022 said: &e
A #html only #forum written in #python https://github.com/Demindiro/agreper The I saw somebody linked one written in #php under 1kB: https://nerdparadise.com/programming/php.. And then somebody wrote an improved version: https://gist.github.com/Xeoncross/150359.. I could be pretty interested in writing one in C at some point using #udatabase and #smollibs .
@barray on Wed Oct 05 15:09:45 UTC 2022 said: &e
I found another one of these " #html that is cool and #underutilized " #articles https://tapajyoti-bose.medium.com/7-cool.. Some of this stuff is pretty cool as it happens!
@barray on Mon Apr 04 11:35:24 UTC 2022 said: &e
Nice list of semi- #rare #html #attributes https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2022/03..
@barray on Sat Dec 25 23:30:38 UTC 2021 said: &e
Very cool #singlepage #html #website https://css-tricks.com/a-whole-website-i.. I think *most* #websites out there could easily be #compressed down to a single page!
@barray on Sat Dec 04 03:03:18 UTC 2021 said: &e
It looks like we are generally losing #browser #engine #diversity - there appears to only be a handful of #alternatives out there: https://www.jefftk.com/p/browser-engines As I was talking/thinking recently, #browsers and #html in general has become hopelessly #complex - to the point where no new players can come in.
@barray on Sun Oct 17 03:39:33 UTC 2021 said: &e
I'm thinking to code up a #micro #chat #service for the #coffeespace #website that supports #html #post with some very light #js to #load #chat #logs and #telnet so that people can access from the #terminal ... The idea is that it would be ultra #ram #limited - perhaps something like this: https://coffeespace.org.uk/projects/simp.. I think C++ would be the way forwards too.
@barray on Tue Aug 31 18:38:28 UTC 2021 said: &e
Interesting #idea by #apple #webkit #developers for a 3D #html #element to display 3D objects: https://github.com/WebKit/explainers/tre.. I think there could really be a need for something, but I fear that it could end up being a #gameengine ... I think the #proposal needs work, such as #camera definitions, etc. Otherwise the viewing experience will not be the same across #browsers - or even similar setups.
@barray on Thu Aug 05 06:15:06 UTC 2021 said: &e
Regarding a new #rss #feed #reader to replace #akregator - one of the features I wish they all have is to parse #html (basically a different #xml format) - most #websites that have an RSS button also offer a list of content somewhere, it should be entirely possible to process... I actually don't want a content preview - I just want to know what links are new for the most part.