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@barray on Mon Feb 14 00:20:40 UTC 2022 said: &e
It appears the #chinese #beijing #winter #olympics is somewhat of a farce: https://youtube.com/watch?v=vA8LrvtJ_k8 Apparently there are #unfair #judges , #athletes being forced to eat #garbage #food that makes them #ill , #china 's #ccp #stealing #us #athletes to #compete for them, and whole other plethora of insanity.
@barray on Thu Feb 10 05:34:01 UTC 2022 said: &e
The #olympics is really in trouble: https://youtube.com/watch?v=-YhEN8ZPD6I #serpentza does a great job a highlighting many of the #issues , including #tracking #athletes , #genocide , #nazi like #propaganda - as well as much more. In another #video we also hear about how #us #athletes #renounce their #citizenship and become #chinese to #compete for #china !
@barray on Thu Jan 27 15:13:34 UTC 2022 said: &e
The #chinese #winter #olympics #app is being #reverseengineered which #athletes are *forced* to #download and #install on their #phones https://github.com/jonathandata1/2022_be.. Despite there being 'no #tracking ', it quite clearly does. The list of #illegal #words is also quite interesting: https://github.com/jonathandata1/2022_be.. Very clear what topics #china 's #ccp want to avoid...