It looks like #apple have #announced " #self #repair " for their #flagship #iphones (and apparently #mac soon) It's a good start, but it also feels like a way for Apple to control the #righttorepair #movement . I remain highly #cynical given Apple's previous dealings in this area.
Awesome, the new #framework #laptop just #shipped and it's getting great #reviews It's still unfortunately outside of my #budget - but seems like a great little machine, especially given the advocacy for #righttorepair ! Hopefully this machine is a standard for future #opensource devices!
So #military in the #us are not allowed to #repair their own #equipment I can also confirm this in the #uk for the most part. #righttorepair affects #military and #consumers alike and is ridiculous.
Insane cost of #repairing a #tesla It does seem to outline a case for #righttorepair - glad the #uk is starting to make progress in this space.
So close... The #uk have #righttorepair - except without including #phones or #laptops At least it is a step in the right direction.