More on the #recession , #france have raised #retirement to 64, causing #protests They should think themselves lucky, in the #uk it is *68* - the #nhs is so shit most of us won't reach that age. We will literally #die standing on our feet. No idea why we bother paying into #pension , at this point it just feels like another #tax .
Looks like #tech giant #supermicro may be about to #die in the coming #recession , with the majority of their #revenue relying on #facebook When the #recession kicks off #facebook will likely cut-back on #server #purchases .
@barray on Fri Sep 02 19:11:52 UTC 2022 said: &eThe #difference here is also that #americans #die from bad #life #choices , whereas their #chinese counterparts #die from lack of #healthcare and poor #work #conditions . Essentially this is a #result of #communism , where the #person is a #consumable .I think the #us #lifeexpectancy will fall below #china simply because #china 's #ccp #lie about their true #figures An #aged #population is actually really bad for the #economy anyway.
#china 's #ccp have #expanded their #lockdown where #zero people continue to get #covid and #die from it, according to their #official #statistics Apparently they are #detecting #covid amongst #winter #olympics #staff - which could mean that it gets called off. Waiting on them to start #blaming #foreign #athletes , despite exceptionally #stringent rules.
I watched the new #matrix #film and I'm not impressed. It was essentially a #nostalgia trip, some #handwaiving about how certain things happened, they are #afraid to let #characters #die (unlike the #original films) - I don't think there was a single original #scene in the whole thing. There are infinitely better stories that could have been done, for example #neo #recursing through the #matrix #layers and #rebuilding #humanity . #trinity should have remained #dead - it was just too weird to bring her back.
Oops, a #gang that worked together to #explode at least 15 #atm units in #germany ended up having one of their members #die in an #explosion after #filming a #tutorial #video Something kind of #poetic about that. Initially I was wondering about whether it was #politically #motivated - the linked #article makes no mention of it.
Turns out a #family member has been in a #car #accident - potentially #brokenarm ... My only real wish whilst being out here in #nz is that my family would try not to bloody #injure themselves or #die whilst I'm away. Bloody hell.
@barray on Thu Sep 16 11:33:32 UTC 2021 said: &e#ythelastman brings up some interesting questions regarding #trans people for sure... All the #men #die - but the #trans #men are all left. Ouch. Touchy grounds. I'm still not sure, but maybe this show has some chops - still yet to be answered. I can see why #women get pissed off at this show in the #reviews - 5 minutes without men and it all went to shit. To be entirely fair, the same would happen if women #disappeared all of a sudden.I swear to god, if #ythelastman essentially concludes "all the #men #died and then #society got better" then I'm going to lose my shit. Looking at the #reviews it looks like people either *really* like it or absolutely hate it: I'll give it a chance, but so far I'm not liking the #politics bullshit it brings in.