#green #energy #activists in #europe have #doomed #european #energy #security https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/europea.. Where's the #lie ? We desperately need #nuclear #power .
Ouch, apparently the #newyorktimes simply #refused to #publish a #news #article simply because it didn't paint the #blm #activists in a positive light, as they #rioted and #burned everything down in #kenosha #us https://www.zerohedge.com/political/new-.. They waited until a week after the 2020 #us #president #election to publish the #article ... This is #politics at its worst.
*Finally* - 9 #activists in the #insulatebritain group have been #jailed https://www.lotuseaters.com/nine-insulat.. They have been #locking major #highways all across the #uk - even at the expense of other's #lives .
So apparently #racial #activists are getting annoyed because the #uk 's #conservatives are supposedly pushing a #british #black #history that tells a slightly more #positive #story https://www.lotuseaters.com/historian-ca.. These people very much want to cause #division ...
After months of #blm #activists , #protestors and #rioters #destroying #statues - now - apparently it is a #sin to do this in #newyork https://www.lotuseaters.com/new-york-geo.. Of course, only if it's the #georgefloyd #statue ... If #defacing and destroying these things is #peaceful and #democratic when it's the likes of #churchill - I see nothing wrong here.
It's not enough that #environment #activists are coming for the #fuel in your #car - they want to get rid of the #automotive #industry entirely - no more personal #transport https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIBeIKAo.. As #jefftaylor suggests, the #uk is failing to #invest into future #demand - it can't even handle today's demand!
It's almost annoying that it took #trans #lobbyists / #activists to make name changes easier in the world of #academia https://blog.arxiv.org/2021/07/28/scient.. #women for example were not able to continue the old #tradition of adopting the #surname of their make partner after #marriage - or risk losing credit for their #published works. I think this is one of the few good changes pushed for by #lgbt groups
Hahahahaha - hahahaha: https://text.npr.org/1011387838 #npr consider it a victory for #labor #activists that #changedotorg workers have formed a #union ... Let me give an alternative theory: Somebody realized there was about to be mass lay-offs and they quickly unionised before anybody could be taken off. Now https://change.org know who to get rid of - who has become the rot in their organization structure.