I suspect #mastercard are #overstating the #security of their #creditcards by stating that they are #secure against #quantum #attacks , given that there is no known #algorithm to #secure agaisnt these #attacks https://hackaday.com/2022/10/25/masterca.. I suspect a #time -based or #mutating #onetimepad could be the way forwards to #secure against such attacks. I did come up with an #algorithm many years ago... But never pushed it.
Huh, nice #idea for a #onetimeprogram #otp that is #secure https://blog.cryptographyengineering.com.. It's a pretty insane #idea and could potentially be great for #banks or #games - I'm not yet convinced it is actually possible though.
Yeah, the #uk is not looking good over the #winter for #energy https://youtube.com/watch?v=9Wc_I6dffrI The only good thing is that we are somewhat #decoupled from the #eu , being #energy #secure in the #eu is no good if your #neighbour is #short ... It's a shared #drig after all. Expect #power #instability in the #eu .
Wow, the #openssh #scp and and #rcp #commands appear to be getting super #secure with #quantumn #secure #algorithms https://hackaday.com/2022/04/15/this-wee.. Impressive stuff! It seems like these days the #hackers find more #vulnerabilities quicker than we can #fix them!
Ouch, apparently the #russian #military #destroyed all the local #cell #towers in #ukraine , which means their own #secure #network was not able to #operate either: https://www.rawstory.com/russia-ukraine-.. Apparently they were able to #confirm the #death of a top #russian #military #general on the 41st after #intercepting and #unencrypted #call with the #fsb ! https://twitter.com/christogrozev/status.. Incompetence!
Interesting #discussion about #opensource and #secure #phones https://tuxphones.com/freedom-and-phone-.. Worth a quick read to get on top of what is happening in this area.
Looks like #protonmail is somewhat suspect: https://encryp.ch/blog/disturbing-facts-.. I really suspect they are not nearly as #secure and #private as they claim.
Nice, my goto #searchengine is #carbon #negative https://spreadprivacy.com/duckduckgo-goe.. As well as #duckduckgo also being #free and great, it's also #secure and #private ! Great stuff!
Insane that the #us #fbi did nothing whilst they had the ability to help people: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-.. This is also my #criticism of the #uk 's MI5 and #gchq - rather than help local companies they instead try to #backdoor them and #subvert them to be *less* #secure , whilst also wanting open #borders - making the #terrorist #threat even fucking worse.
Looks like #protonmail may not be so #secure and #private after sharing the #ip #address of #protestors in #france #paris https://twitter.com/tenacioustek/status/..
Well damn, a pretty smart #exploit for #kindle #touch devices just by opening up a #ebook https://research.checkpoint.com/2021/i-c.. For all you know, books have contained this on the #amazon #store for quite some time... Writing #secure #software is insanely tough!
I have seen the #xorshift #algorithm for #rng before, it seems to be pretty damn fast: https://thompsonsed.co.uk/random-number-.. It's not #crypto #secure and does suffer some #repeat problems: https://www.pcg-random.org/posts/xoshiro.. But in general it is pretty good and combined with a high #entropy source it could be relatively #random too.
Hmm, seems like #telegram is not nearly as #secure as they make out: https://www.cyberscoop.com/telegram-app-.. Still, at least there are no glaring holes discovered. This is again why you should be so careful when rolling your own #crypto ...
This is pretty funny, the #fbi created a fake #secure #messaging platform and then sold it to criminal #gangs https://aardvark.co.nz/daily/2021/0609.s.. I think various platforms out there could also be FBI based, but they have benefited from them too much to take them down.
About time the #us started to #defend rather than #attack https://breakingdefense.com/2021/06/dod-.. You can only rage effective #cyberwarfare if your systems at home are #secure