So apparently for years now #twitter has #opensource 'd the #factcheck 'ing of #twitter to anybody in the #community , i.e. having people #police themselves: Sounds a lot like #communism where you #snitch your #neighbour for some small reward... I'm sure that won't result in a purity spiral of hell.
Yeah, the #uk is not looking good over the #winter for #energy The only good thing is that we are somewhat #decoupled from the #eu , being #energy #secure in the #eu is no good if your #neighbour is #short ... It's a shared #drig after all. Expect #power #instability in the #eu .
Haha, a #black #family in #georgia #us get #threatened by the " #kkk " - turns out it was their black #neighbour the whole time who then gets #arrested for #racism We call this new #tactic #racebaiting - it's exactly the same shit that #jessiesmollett tried to pull: It takes the attention away from *real* #victims and #attackers ...