I suspect #mastercard are #overstating the #security of their #creditcards by stating that they are #secure against #quantum #attacks , given that there is no known #algorithm to #secure agaisnt these #attacks https://hackaday.com/2022/10/25/masterca.. I suspect a #time -based or #mutating #onetimepad could be the way forwards to #secure against such attacks. I did come up with an #algorithm many years ago... But never pushed it.
#ibm #eagle has 127 #qubits for their #quantum #computing ! https://hackaday.com/2022/02/08/ibm-eagl.. Apparently they believe they have a path to over 1000 #qubits using a 3D #package ... #encryption better watch out!
Interesting, apparently people are now looking at using a #quantum #accelerometer #imu to replace #gps https://hackaday.com/2021/11/15/vacuum-t.. This still requires occasional #groundtruth #location #updates - but it has potential. I have long been in favour of these more #passive #locators ...
Apparently " #hackers " are #stealing #encrypted #data in #preparation for #quantum #computing https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/11.. We'll see how this goes in the future...