Apparently #purism #librem 5 is somewhat #censoring #criticism They are having #manufacturing issues based on the #chip #shortage ... Problem is, even #pine with the #pinephone have been able to ship at a slightly increased price. So why is a #phone that was sold for $2k having more issues sourcing parts than a phone selling for $200? Something is slightly off here...
Regarding #phone #security - there is little that can be done: This is why projects like #pine 's #pinephone are so important! #opensource #linux all the way!
This is an incredible #pine #cluster #board #debug exercise: The solution turns out to be a #diode #hardware revision. I *really* like the idea of documenting the debug process to this level - what a seriously impressive piece of work. I remember seeing this guy talking in #irc about his problems.
Great to see the benefits of #opensource finally reaching the #pinebook #laptop and its #trackpad The #pine #community have been able to throw together a better replacement #firmware for the otherwise #closedsource #input device on the #pinebookpro - very impressive work!
Haha, #dhl accidentally sent the latest batch of #pinephones to #newzealand - as you may imagine #lukasz the #pr guy of #pine is not particularly pleased! On the other hand, this is great news for me out here in #nz ! If only I could ask that they stay here for a while!
This is actually an interesting point being made - if the thing you purchase is too #valuable - you become afraid to make real use of it: I also have a #cheap #smartwatch from #pine called the #pinetime - it's in the price range that if it gets damaged, I'll just buy another. It has already outlast every other smart watch I ever had and I get a ridiculous amount of use out of it, even convincing other people they would like one.
#snowden calls for a ban on the #spyware #trade due to the revelation of #pegasus - something he has been warning about for years: Now the #media cares because it turns out they were #spying on *them* - and not just random #citizens ... And this is why projects like #pine are so important, we need #opensource #devices ! Especially #mobile #phones !
Still waiting to find out more about #pine 's new #devzone #portal Apparently the #pine project has become so large now that they don't know how to keep track of all the different projects, hence this portal.
Sounds like #pine 's #pinetalk #podcast is stopping... Apparently for just four weeks, but I suspect indefinitely: The two hosts are stepping down at the same time, which is essentially going to kill it.
Finally got around to reading the #pine update for this month: Some exciting updates, will be very interesting to see what happens in the future!
I've been really loving the #pine #pinetalk #podcast Worth a listen if you are interested in #opensource projects, specifically #pine ...
Very interesting discussion about the possibility of #secureboot on #pine 's #pinephone - and the problems that entails: I personally want to see a #bios for #arm devices implemented first, even if a small chip that gives some basic capability. At least this way we can start to move away from per-device images.
When will #pine 's #lora hardware actually be realised? Seems to be taking quite a while to get something basic operational.
This is a very interesting device for #lora #encrypted #chat This is what I hope from #pine 's #pinecomm - although at this rate I suspect that device may never come into existence. Eventually I will get some time to work on #lorachan !
Checking out the latest #pine #update Video here: Not too much available for me just yet. Still, awesome to see updates still rolling in!