Very cool little #project completed with #tinytapeout There is a little #computer I would like the #opportunity to create at some point...
Pretty cool #gps #tracking #project I #regret passing up an #opportunity to work on something similar maybe 10 years ago. I was too young to appreciate how cool such projects can be.
#ucla have a great #opportunity as an #assistant #adjunct #professor The catch? It's #unpaid ...
So #china is now rattling off about #taiwan again: The problem is the #west cannot #afford to #fight #russia and #china at the same time. I think they realise this and may seize the #opportunity ... Problem is, #china 's #ccp are ill #prepared to take #advantage of the current #geopolitics - they would need a #force of something like 1 million #soldiers to take #taiwan .
#aardvark raises a great point about #pandering to *some* of the #maori people who believe that the entire of #nz should be on their hands and knees just for them: As he correctly says, #equal #opportunity is available to *all* people - to the point where the #nz #government is almost *too* #proactive in trying to get people the #covid #vaccine ! Madness.
Just a #reminder that #sorting can be super easy (in terms of #algorithm #complexity ): Of course, it's not that #efficient ... But there could be a lot of #opportunity to run it in #parallel or make #domain specific #shortcuts ... As the #hackernews #comments point out, it's been #discovered many times before: Could be really fun to take a look at this at a later date!
Sounds like #elonmusk #dodgedabullet with his #ex #grimes Give me the #opportunity to #laugh - after she has actively promoted #communism before now, but only *now* just read the #founding text by #karlmarx ... *Hahahahahahahahahahaha!* Also, I'm sure her #outfit was not some #photoshop exercise and was definitely not made from the fruits of #capitalism ...
If I was a #us #citizen I would actually be an ideal candidate for a #year in a #mars #habitat #study Would be an interesting #opportunity ...
Oops, #nissan have decided to stay and #invest in the #uk #postbrexit - oops: They have even come out to praise #brexit as an #opportunity