#india has officially overtaken #china has the #country with the highest #population https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/india-.. This will cause a lot of trouble, but could be better for the world. I would rather a #world #leader be run by #democracy rather than #communism .
#wef 's #klausschwab is either a man on no #morals or a #supporter of #china 's #ccp 's #authoritarian #communism https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/china-.. In any case, I think we should be very careful about listening to such a man. I really wish #world #leaders would stop meeting up with him.
So apparently for years now #twitter has #opensource 'd the #factcheck 'ing of #twitter to anybody in the #community , i.e. having people #police themselves: https://twitter.github.io/birdwatch/# Sounds a lot like #communism where you #snitch your #neighbour for some small reward... I'm sure that won't result in a purity spiral of hell.
The #uk 's #labour #party are holding their #conference , and their #members are as insane as ever: https://www.lotuseaters.com/video-labour.. The use of the word " #comrade " is a clear direct #influence by #communism / #marxism , make no mistake about it.
#craigmurray appears to go further #leftwing these days by suggesting that #karlmarx was right, and by extension #socialism and #communism also: https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/.. He #forgets the mechanisms of #regulation and the pure #disaster that only #communism can bring. Try #preaching #communism to the #chinese , #russians , or anybody else who lived under it.
The #lotuseaters have a great #article on the #myths of #communism https://www.lotuseaters.com/top-5-commun.. Pretty much any " #advantage " is completely #manufactured , you cannot force people into #prosperity ...
#poland should join the #uk in some form of #coalition - I believe we are very much #aligned in some ideas: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/p.. They understand the dangers of both #communism and #fascism and are well proven people during #war - they would make excellent #allies in whatever comes next.
Sounds like #elonmusk #dodgedabullet with his #ex #grimes https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/elon-m.. Give me the #opportunity to #laugh - after she has actively promoted #communism before now, but only *now* just read the #founding text by #karlmarx ... *Hahahahahahahahahahaha!* Also, I'm sure her #outfit was not some #photoshop exercise and was definitely not made from the fruits of #capitalism ...
So, how will #china 's #ccp justify this? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-ch.. My guess is that they *know* they are evil and simply do not care for the #optics ... It's as if #communism is inherently evil... Who would have guessed?!
#apple has now delayed the #csam rollout after pressure from around the world: https://www.macrumors.com/2021/09/03/app.. Still, it is only delayed, not cancelled. Apple can officially not be trusted, this backdoor into your #device *will* be #exploited ... I understand their intentions are good, but even the best of intentions can lead to the worst of #consequences - just look at #communism !
@barray on Thu Aug 19 01:46:23 UTC 2021 said: &eAlthough they will never admit it (to admit failure is to condemn #communism itself), it looks like #china 's #ccp is now #bailing their #banks https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/chinas.. As I said before, China bought up a tonne of the 2008 #financialcrisis #debt - and that delayed bomb is going to explode at some point. *It's almost all in #foreign #bonds debt.*Things must be bad - #china 's #ccp are *actually* implementing full-on #communism https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/p.. Now #xijinping #ryan is talking about #wealth #redistribution - probably due to an #economy missing targets (although they won't admit it). He will soon realise why #marxism doesn't work too, people do not want to #invest into a system that #steals the fruits of their labour.
Things must be bad - #china 's #ccp are *actually* implementing full-on #communism https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/p.. Now #xijinping #ryan is talking about #wealth #redistribution - probably due to an #economy missing targets (although they won't admit it). He will soon realise why #marxism doesn't work too, people do not want to #invest into a system that #steals the fruits of their labour.
I think I will #unsubscribe from #dominiccummings #rss #feed = it feels like he#s just cashing in now: https://dominiccummings.substack.com/p/h.. Maybe he has something important to say, maybe not, but I'm not going to pay to find out. Also I think the audacity of believing you know howe to do the #uk #government better, after just blinking at it for the first time, is extreme. It's this "move fast and break things" #ideology that breeds #communism and the like.
Been a while since I checked out the #amazingatheist - and now I know why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iLAs7qJ.. Whilst some of the discussion on #ai is interesting, he goes full "seize the means of production" half way through the video. #communism never made anything better and #capitalism is not the source of all your worries. I think if we know one thing about predicting the future, it's that we are terrible at it.
Currently watching #thesagaoftanyatheevil - an #anime based on #nazi #germany in a alternative universe where some people have magical powers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saga_of_Ta.. I was hesitant at first, but it's growing on me. I found my hesitancy interesting though - we have tonnes of #media that supports #socialism and #communism - and the idea that I might watch something #fascist (which it's not) almost put me off entirely. Just an interesting observation.
@barray on Wed Jul 21 19:00:02 UTC 2021 said: &eAh, #vanjones is a self-described #communist https://www.lotuseaters.com/jeff-bezos-g.. Perhaps #bezos is looking to #subvert #communism by slowly but surely turning them into #capitalists ? I knew this seemed weird...#bezos has #donated $100 million each to two #cnn #contributors https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/20/media.. Whilst people seem to be singing the praises of #vanjones and #joseandres - this is very weird. People point out for example that such actions wouldn't be required if he simply paid his #tax and #employees ... It's also weird that he is giving money to #reporters from a #leftwing #mainstream #media outlet. Just weird.