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@barray on Fri Jul 21 16:38:28 UTC 2023 said: &e
The #eu don't appear to believe in #capitalism at all, not only forcing #ev 's but also now their #charging https://www.fleeteurope.com/en/new-energ.. This makes me believe this #infrastructure will not be #suitable for all people, there's no way they can #compete with a 5 minute fill-up time. This just simply doesn't add up.
@barray on Mon Nov 08 00:15:27 UTC 2021 said: &e
Heh, #theguardian use words like " #bollocks " in their main #news #articles https://www.theguardian.com/environment/.. They also claim that #capitalism is entirely to blame for the state of the #environment - that #socialist / #communist #ideologies such as the #greennewdeal are the answer and support #eco #terrorist groups like #extinctionrebellion - finally pushing for #disobedience . Fuck these people.
@barray on Sun Oct 17 03:25:57 UTC 2021 said: &e
Good point to be headed about #explaining #capitalism to people: https://www.jefftk.com/p/explaining-capi.. Generally, when people say "X is #broken " - I ask "what do you #propose to #fix it?". It's easy to say that something is broken - much harder to propose a fix.
@barray on Mon Aug 02 21:13:30 UTC 2021 said: &e
#china 's #ccp is dismantling its #tech #industry #companies - which started a while back with #jackma https://noahpinion.substack.com/p/why-is.. When people stop clapping, this means a few things: 1. What little #capitalism China has is being destroyed, 2. #monopolisation of large companies , 3. successful #foreign companies and #investors are in trouble if they get too much success. Have fun!
@barray on Sun Aug 01 07:52:31 UTC 2021 said: &e
Been a while since I checked out the #amazingatheist - and now I know why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iLAs7qJ.. Whilst some of the discussion on #ai is interesting, he goes full "seize the means of production" half way through the video. #communism never made anything better and #capitalism is not the source of all your worries. I think if we know one thing about predicting the future, it's that we are terrible at it.