Well damn, the #shanghai #national #police #database appears to have been #compromised and #leaked for a #price https://breached.to/Thread-Selling-2022-.. Apparently it was due to a #developer #showingoff and accidentally #leaking their #access #token .
@barray on Wed Dec 15 16:17:55 UTC 2021 said: &eInteresting, some people have written a #hotpatch for #apache 's #logger log4j where it purposely #injects a #patch into a #compromised #java #server https://github.com/corretto/hotpatch-for.. Very cool!I wrote a #coffeespace #article about the serious #java #log #bug #rce log4j the other day: https://coffeespace.org.uk/projects/log4.. I've seen people try to actively #exploit my #server ! There are some great #memes that have appeared as a result of this very real #security #issue https://log4jmemes.com/ Have a look through and give yourself a laugh!