#craigmurray does a great #writeup of what the #mainstream #media is not currenting #reporting on regarding #ftx and the many #susicious ties it has: https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/.. It likely involves the #rich #elite , the #democrats , several #governments and more.
Nice #writeup on #minimal #linux C #program and a #nasm equivalent: https://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/sof..
Great #writeup #article about the #crypto #bubble after watching #bitcoin and #ether #crash hard: https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/202.. Madness!
So glad I asked #lupyuen to #writeup his #work so many years ago, he's doing great work - I don't know where he finds the time! https://lupyuen.github.io/articles/rusti.. #apache 's #nuttx actually looks pretty #promising , when I get a chance I really want to check it out: https://nuttx.apache.org/ It's a #posix #rtos #os that is super interesting, even offering some #unix #capabilities !
Great #story #writeup from another person's #podcast https://jamessevedge.com/articles/red-li..
This is an *awesome* #writeup about a #company #idea for #paperwebsites https://daily.tinyprojects.dev/paper_web.. It's so cool I wish I had done it. Allowing people who really do not understand the #internet to connect with it - absolutely epic!