Amazing #video #clip by #katiehopkins - there will be an end to this #covid #lockdown #pandemic shit one way or another: Tomorrow belongs to the youths of today.
I watched exactly the same #video on #youtube as #aardvark did: #kesslersyndrome is seriously just around the corner unless we do something... Apparently a #chinese #satelite and some #russian #spacejunk hit one another and *almost* caused it to happen. Personally I will be looking to #invest in #technology that doesn't rely on #gps in the near future - #lora based #navigation could be the way to go.
The #immunesystem is so insanely cool: Great #youtube #video my #kurzgesagt #inanutshell !
Well, this is a pretty damning #video of the #us 's #president #biden by former President #trump Big ouch. More commentary here:
Very good #article and #video on how *not* to #build your own #ar I would personally like to see a " #vr " setup with a #camera that does the #passthrough to the #display - this would ultimately solve the #optics problem. For AR to 'interact' with the real world anyway, you're going to want a camera to do processing.
Great #youtube #video by #nursecindy on #fatloss and #keto I have just #subscribed to her #channel - it is an absolute #treasuretrove of great advice.
Okay, I didn't expect to see a #pinetime running a #video of #badapple This is a seriously cool application! What an awesome piece of work!
I was watching a #video about this earlier, the #tesla big #battery over in #australia #victoria has released the #magicsmoke and gone #thermonuclear So far it appears two of the large batteries have been severely damaged. Bare in mind, it was scheduled to start operating very soon... Looks like those plans are now delayed.
#youtube allowed somebody to #copyright a #video for #typing Pretty maddening. I think this is #evidence for #abuse of the #dmca system.
This #video is absolutely wild: A #minecraft #hack #exploit using #bayesianinference , #probabilitytheory , #searchalgorithms - you name it. There are some seriously smart dudes playing that game! Colour me impressed!
Ouch, an old #domain that wasn't #nenewed for a #video #host #service was purchased by a #porn host and all the old #embeds now server porn: It does hint towards us needing a better solution to #longterm content, or at least some kind of method to ensure the #embed was created by the person we believe it was!
Okay, #programmatic #video #editing is very cool: This could be a way to produce videos for #robocup more reliably and quickly... I think I will check this out later!
Ouch, #reddit are removing #functionality that people enjoy and are threatening #legal action if the creators do no comply: The ability to #share #video is what has made #tiktok so big, Reddit is most definitely missing a trick here.
@barray on Fri Jun 04 03:57:42 UTC 2021 said: &eA #video #response to #elonmusk 's girlfriend's idea to use #ai to implement #communism Very interesting discussion by #sargon over on #lotuseaters#elonmusk 's girlfriend apparently has high hopes for #ai being the fastest path to #communism and #equality That is very wishful thinking - anybody who believes some new untested system will come in and work better than the current system is smelling their own farts.