#ubuntu #snap #updates are a #killer #feature - by which I mean, they are goign to #kill #ubuntu https://smaller.fish/posts/snap_updates You get tonnes of #notifications , you finally take #notice and #shutdown the #app , and it *still doesn't #update after.* It happens *only* on a #schedule , which will always be at the *worst* time. How can you possible use #ubuntu #snap on any long-running task? I am switching #os because of this #feature , it is a #darkpattern .
A lot of cool #updates from #pine 64: https://www.pine64.org/2022/11/15/novemb.. I'm personally looking forward to the #pinebudspro , with an #arm #cortex M4 it could be really powerful for #noisecancellation , #audio #codecs , etc. I am already tempted to #purchase several 0x64 #boards that run #linux on next to nothing!
Very very interesting #decentralised #torrenting https://boredcaveman.xyz/post/0x1_dbless.. There is some #potential here for a #service that cannot be #censored ! It still needs work though, as it's not easy to provide #updates for, but it's certainly a step in the right direction!
Interesting, apparently people are now looking at using a #quantum #accelerometer #imu to replace #gps https://hackaday.com/2021/11/15/vacuum-t.. This still requires occasional #groundtruth #location #updates - but it has potential. I have long been in favour of these more #passive #locators ...
#fairphone is interesting for sure, offering a 5 year #warranty and 6 years of #updates https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/09/.. It's a shame in runs #android - but apparently the #invested in getting #lineage #os to run on it. It apparently comes with a #screwdriver and aims to be #repairable and #maintainable ! The #specs are nothing to sneeze at either - it's very #powerful unlike something such as #pine 's #pinephone ...
Ouch, I never thought I would be using my original #amazon #kindle long enough to realise that a wanted feature (at the time of purchase) would actually be one I actively tried to avoid: https://www.theverge.com/2021/7/28/22598.. Luckily mine only runs on #wifi and surprisingly still receives #software #updates even today!
Honestly I'm surprised the #nsa doesn't just give people #lockeddown #smart #phones in the first place: https://media.defense.gov/2020/Jul/28/20.. You *cannot* trust humans to not make mistakes. It would be better to have a text/voice only #encrypted device with limited functionality. #software #updates could be handled in person with #id #verification - but of course they will never do this as politicians would get upset.