[d3ad]tags labelled 'ubuntu' e
@barray on Thu Jul 01 20:06:32 UTC 2021 said:
&eNow having #networking troubles in #ubuntu ... It looks *very* similar to those seen on the #pinetab - so my thinking is to try a fresh install on there to see how it goes. 100% on my Ubuntu machine at least it's just a #software issue of some type. Fingers crossed I can bring the #wifi back to life on that glorious little #tablet
@barray on Thu Jun 24 06:29:59 UTC 2021 said:
&eTrying to fix this system with #ppapurge to remove all the #popos packages once and for all. Rolling the dice by removing the active #ubuntu #kernel ... Wish me luck.
@barray on Thu Jun 24 06:17:38 UTC 2021 said:
&eNow #ubuntu can't seem to use my #gpu at all, great. What a complete fuckup this entire process has been.
@barray on Thu Jun 24 03:18:40 UTC 2021 said:
&eI'm thinking that I should write a #blog later on #coffeespace about the shit I just went through with my #laptop and #ubuntu - what a serious pain it was. Hopefully what I learned can help somebody out there.
@barray on Wed Jun 23 08:08:39 UTC 2021 said:
&e@barray on Tue Jun 22 22:49:08 UTC 2021 said:
&eGoing to try to update the computer... I'm mega pissed off with #ubuntu these days. #snap is shit. #unity is shit. Half of it is broken. Random crashes, lack of stability, side loading crapware like #amazon search and what not. What a shit show it has now become.
Yeah, so it turns out a #popos #ppa I installed silently overwrote half of the #ubuntu #packages and then broke my system. Currently still working to fix it, it's very difficult to figure out exactly what is broken and to downgrade the relevant programs. Currently I have a half Pop!OS and half Ubuntu system... But at least it boots now unlike earlier! Anyway, wish me luck in fixing this crap.
@barray on Tue Jun 22 22:49:08 UTC 2021 said:
&e@barray on Tue Jun 22 22:46:55 UTC 2021 said:
&eSeems like *none* of my #rss feeds are working at all. No idea what the hell is going on here...
Going to try to update the computer... I'm mega pissed off with #ubuntu these days. #snap is shit. #unity is shit. Half of it is broken. Random crashes, lack of stability, side loading crapware like #amazon search and what not. What a shit show it has now become.
@barray on Sat Jun 19 04:19:18 UTC 2021 said:
&eEarlier I deleted the #snap version of #chromium from #ubuntu and installed the System76 version. It was already being buggy, but then it crashed and in all honesty I was completely hacked off with it. I ripped that piece of #sandbox #crapware out and it now seems to be running fine (or as fine as Chrome normally does).
@barray on Mon Jun 14 20:01:19 UTC 2021 said:
&eFound a nice little bug converting a #python #matplotlib program from #arch to #ubuntu - super pain in the arse to track down. Wasted a few hours hunting it down. Can't be bothered to report it right now though, perhaps later.
@barray on Mon Jun 14 10:40:14 UTC 2021 said:
&eLeaving #vlc running during suspend in #gnome #unity #ubuntu logs infinite errors to disk until it fills up. The solution is to delete the file using up all that disk space, which in this case means a simple `sudo rm /var/log/syslog`. Problem is, if the file is still in active use, the disk space doesn't get released: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3326..
@barray on Tue May 25 01:49:21 UTC 2021 said:
&eOuch, my #ubuntu machine just warned me with "DISK IS LIKELY TO FAIL SOON", apparently that means I got extremely lucky and it recognized it is literally just about to fail: https://old.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments.. Off the shops to buy a new drive it is then.