Very interesting to see how it could be possible to #compile #cpp to #wasm ! This will be useful for the #linuxpda #project !
The #pinedio #stack is pretty cool, can't wait to get hold of one for the #linuxpda #project ! #wifi , #bluetooth , #lora and much more - this is a seriously #powerful piece of #hardware ! In theory it could even handle #usb too!
Apparently #biden will #unviel a #joint #project between the #us , #uk and #australia for a #hypersonic #weapon This really points to them being *really* far behind #development .
Very cool #video on #testing #rc #cars to #destruction Makes me want tom 3D #print one! Very cool #project !
Very cool #drawing to #cnc #project This really lowers the #boundary to entry!
@barray on Mon Mar 14 18:10:07 UTC 2022 said: &eIn #theory , it should be possible to write an ultra small #assembly #compiler - and then a non- #compliant #cfamily to #asm #converter ... Would be a highly interesting #project ! Could even have a small #editor with #syntax #highlighting ...An awesome #project called #mikeos I have followed for *years* now: Well worth checking out. One of the most #hardcore #os #communities going I think.
An awesome #project called #mikeos I have followed for *years* now: Well worth checking out. One of the most #hardcore #os #communities going I think.
An insanely cool #project called #pockit Probably the most ultimate form of #modular #computing !
Very cool #inspection #tool for #jpegs I have some #project #ideas based on exactly this!
Very interesting #discussion about bringing a #hardware #project #product to #market Something I may have to #consider in the #future - certainly worth keeping on the #backlog !
Nice #esp 32 #espressif #vm to allow #dynamic #loading of #programs This is exactly what I intended with the #linuxpda #project ! I think the better option here is likely still #webasm if we can ensure it remains small enough.
Damn, tonnes of #ssd #storage loses #data on random #power #interruption - despite claims otherwise! I think this makes a really good case for the #pineflash #project (which is currently stagnated).
Very interesting use of a #pipico to bring #usb #host and #device #capabilities This could be something that brings the #pineflash #project to life!
Interesting #project to #build a #kernel and #programs that #survive #reboot One of the great questions raised is how to handle #bugged #software ... Apparently #software #reset is in the #os by design. I thought about this some time ago, and in theory all state can be derived from #observations and #periodically #querying certain systems. We already do such things with #cache for example.
Very interesting #project to prevent #network #spam and #abuse by #detecting #badactors interacting with a #honeypot It's completely #decentralised with the possibility to #interact with a larger network via p2p.
Very interesting to #listen to the #creator of #serenityos #discuss his background with #alcohol #addiction and how he overcame it with this #os #project #andreaskling used to write #webkit for #apple !