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@barray on Sun Sep 05 14:04:16 UTC 2021 said: &e
Yesterday I went for a #run - it was a bit of a #failure with me barely hitting 1.5 #miles ... My #knees are still not in great shape. On the plus side I think I understand why - the pavement I'm running on is angled some maybe 10 degrees and it's putting more strain on one side. I ran the other way around the block and noticed it wore the opposite knee in the same way! I think I will have to start alternating loop directions to get even wear. Now just waiting for some super #keto #recovery ...
@barray on Mon Aug 30 16:49:33 UTC 2021 said: &e
The #run really screwed me up yesterday, but I did crack 8 #miles at a 13:15 minutes per mile average. My #knees are severely shot. I hobbled to the local shop and purchased some #glycosamine and #tumeric #supplements for my #joints ... The problem is that I'm still way to #obese to actually be #running despite being on this #keto #diet for so long. I think my running form is still off as I'm carrying a lot of weight, causing high impact on my joints and causing my legs to bend in. #act is really stressed.