Very cool #js #library for displaying #maps I remember checking this out during the start of #covid to potentially display #data about potential cases.
Haha, we've all been there whilst staring at #data on a #phd
This #article is pretty weak in evidence and claims, but the idea is there: I believe that in the current #political climate, pretty much any large #organization is doomed to fail. #mozilla #firefox have got management with specific ideas about how they should move forwards. For example, they implemented a #vpn and have been hiring ex- #facebook #data #scientists ... I'm not entirely sure they are going in the right direction.
@barray on Tue Aug 03 22:21:31 UTC 2021 said: &eSubmitted a #bug #report #ticket over at #kde for #akregator Currently collecting some #data on #ram usage over time, the graph so far looks weird.... We'll see where we're at after 24 hours...#akregator is now at *1.6GB* - bare in mind this is just an #rss #feed #reader ! Either it is trying to store *all* content in #ram - or there is a #memoryleak ... I really suspect this is what caused my #laptop to #crash just the other day. I'll attempt to contact them on #irc - but not holding my breath.
#hackaday give a nice overview of #guassianblur In general, #kernels are an excellent way of processing #spatial information and #data ... The entire speed-up a #cnn offers comes from #kernel processing.
When it comes to #health - I believe that we should treat it all as #false until there is #evidence to suggest otherwise: There are literal #industries now to #publish #fake #data in #journals - with Journals popping up for exactly this reason.