@barray on Thu Aug 19 01:46:23 UTC 2021 said: &eAlthough they will never admit it (to admit failure is to condemn #communism itself), it looks like #china 's #ccp is now #bailing their #banks https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/chinas.. As I said before, China bought up a tonne of the 2008 #financialcrisis #debt - and that delayed bomb is going to explode at some point. *It's almost all in #foreign #bonds debt.*Things must be bad - #china 's #ccp are *actually* implementing full-on #communism https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/p.. Now #xijinping #ryan is talking about #wealth #redistribution - probably due to an #economy missing targets (although they won't admit it). He will soon realise why #marxism doesn't work too, people do not want to #invest into a system that #steals the fruits of their labour.