I find myself back looking at Langton’s Ant after a very long time. I love how something that appears to be simple ends up being quite a complicated problem. I have been looking to return to it for quite some time, but from the perspective of measuring entropy.
A long story short… I got into a discussion about how I believe we live in a cyclic Universe. There were several criticisms, but the main ones were:
I disagree that the Universe is unbounded, but I cannot back that up. But under this assumption, I disagree with the second law applied to the Universe, and instead look towards the first law of conservation of energy.
What is particularly interesting is that if conservation of energy applies and all parts of the system are reversible functions, I believe it should in theory return to its original state, no matter how complex it becomes.
My speculation is as follows:
For any closed, bounded system where energy is neither created nor destroyed, it will always return to its original state given sufficiently long enough amount of time.
Showing this is extremely difficult, but we can at least begin to prove out parts of it through experimentation. By using Langton’s Ant, we should be able to show that no matter how complex the system becomes, it is capable of returning to the original state.
A full proof would likely have to prove that for a sufficiently complex closed-system, that it does not repeat, and that every state is unique up until the point of repeat. If a repeat is found, it will definitely return to that state and become stuck.
Note to self: From a security perspective there is probably a lot that can be said about hashes that return to their previous state, i.e. you shouldn’t see:
If this happens too soon, then only a smaller subset of hashes need to be explored. You would see regular collisions and cracking would become (relatively) easier.
For this we are interested in measuring the entropy of the system.
we use to indicate 2 bit entropy, is the string we calculate entropy of and is a byte within the string .
We use the code from Stack Overflow to calculate string entropy (which they claim to be reasonably fast):
0001 import math 0002 0003 def entropy(string): 0004 # get probability of chars in string 0005 prob = [ float(string.count(c)) / len(string) for c in dict.fromkeys(list(string)) ] 0006 # calculate the entropy 0007 entropy = - sum([ p * math.log(p) / math.log(2.0) for p in prob ]) 0008 return entropy 0009 0010 def entropy_ideal(length): 0011 prob = 1.0 / length 0012 return -1.0 * length * prob * math.log(prob) / math.log(2.0) 0013 0014 tests = [ "a", "aa", "Hello world!", "mf7nclsa." ] 0015 for t in tests : 0016 print("'" + t + "', entropy: " + str(entropy(t)) + ", ideal:" + str(entropy_ideal(len(t))))
'a', entropy: -0.0, ideal:-0.0 'aa', entropy: -0.0, ideal:1.0 'Hello world!', entropy: 3.0220552088742, ideal:3.5849625007211565 'mf7nclsa.', entropy: 3.169925001442312, ideal:3.1699250014423126
The code we stole works, awesome!
We first create an environment of a given size:
0017 def env_create(size) : 0018 x = size // 2 0019 y = x 0020 r = 0 0021 s = size 0022 w = " " * (s ** 2) 0023 return (x, y, r, s, w) 0024 0025 x, y, r, s, w = env_create(5)
A 5x5 world will do us nicely. The larger the world, the longer it takes to compute.
Some functions for getting and setting patches:
0026 def env_get(w, s, x, y) : 0027 return w[x + (y * s)] 0028 0029 def env_set(w, s, x, y, p) : 0030 return w[:x + (y * s)] + p + w[x + (y * s) + 1:]
And now we want something that rotates the agent and advances it (the main part of the Langton’s Ant algorithm):
0031 def agent_rotate_advance(s, x, y, r, left = True) : 0032 # Rotate 0033 if left : r -= 1 0034 else : r += 1 0035 # Update rotation based on limits 0036 if r < 0 : r += 4 0037 if r >= 4 : r -= 4 0038 # Advance 0039 if r == 0 : y -= 1 0040 elif r == 1 : x += 1 0041 elif r == 2 : y += 1 0042 elif r == 3 : x -= 1 0043 # Update advance based on limits 0044 if x < 0 : x += s 0045 if x >= s : x -= s 0046 if y < 0 : y += s 0047 if y >= s : y -= s 0048 return (s, x, y, r)
Note: Our simulation is wrapping! We could equally simulate some kind of bounce, but ultimately we are simulating a bounded Universe.
Lastly, it would be good to actually visualise what on earth is going on!
0049 def env_graphic(x, y, r, s, w) : 0050 z = 16 0051 g = Svgg(width = s * z, height = s * z, bg = "#FFF") 0052 # Print the world 0053 for j in range(s) : 0054 for i in range(s) : 0055 bg = "#FFF" 0056 if env_get(w, s, i, j) != " " : bg = "#222" 0057 g.add("rect", {"x": i * z, "y": j * z, "width": z, "height": z, "fill": bg, "stroke": "#000"}) 0058 # Print the agent on top 0059 dir = "?" 0060 if r == 0 : dir = "^" 0061 elif r == 1 : dir = ">" 0062 elif r == 2 : dir = "v" 0063 elif r == 3 : dir = "<" 0064 g.add("text", {"x": (x + 0.5) * z, "y": (y + 0.5) * z, "dominant-baseline": "middle", "text-anchor": "middle", "fill": "#F00", "value": dir}) 0065 print(g.to_uri()) 0066 return 0067 0068 env_graphic(x, y, r, s, w) 0069 entropies = [ entropy(w) ] 0070 print("Entropy: " + str(entropies[-1]))
Entropy: -0.0
And we get a nice little graphic to show this works correctly. The environment starts with zero entropy.
Now we define a way to run each cycle of the simulation:
0071 def env_run_once(x, y, r, s, w) : 0072 p = env_get(w, s, x, y) 0073 if p == " " : 0074 w = env_set(w, s, x, y, "#") 0075 s, x, y, r = agent_rotate_advance(s, x, y, r, False) 0076 else : 0077 w = env_set(w, s, x, y, " ") 0078 s, x, y, r = agent_rotate_advance(s, x, y, r, True) 0079 return (x, y, r, s, w)
And we run for 8 cycles:
0080 i = 0 0081 while i < 8 : 0082 x, y, r, s, w = env_run_once(x, y, r, s, w) 0083 env_graphic(x, y, r, s, w) 0084 entropies += [ entropy(w) ] 0085 print("[" + str(i) + "] Entropy: " + str(entropies[-1])) 0086 i += 1
[0] Entropy: 0.2422921890824148 [1] Entropy: 0.40217919020227283 [2] Entropy: 0.5293608652873644 [3] Entropy: 0.6343095546405662 [4] Entropy: 0.5293608652873644 [5] Entropy: 0.6343095546405662 [6] Entropy: 0.7219280948873623 [7] Entropy: 0.7950402793845224
Lovely. Now we want to actually plot the entropy over time:
0087 def display_entropy() : 0088 p = Plott( 0089 title = "Langton's Ant Entropy Over Time 5x5", 0090 x_title = "Time (ticks)", 0091 y_title = "Entropy", 0092 fg = "#FFF", 0093 bg = "#222" 0094 ) 0095 x = list(range(len(entropies))) 0096 p.plot(x, entropies, "Entropy") 0097 print(p.to_uri()) 0098 return 0099 0100 display_entropy()
And we can see it increasing as Newton suggests. Lastly we do a quick calculation of how many possible states the patches can be in:
0101 print("All possible states (patches only): " + str(2 ** (s ** 2)))
All possible states (patches only): 33554432
Running for 33 million steps with this not so efficient code is a lot. It would be super cool if we could do it faster…
Now we run for some number of steps (reached by running the code previously):
0102 while i < 2335 : 0103 x, y, r, s, w = env_run_once(x, y, r, s, w) 0104 entropies += [ entropy(w) ] 0105 i += 1
Now for these last steps, we want to see the environment and the entropy. Note how the number of black patches is decreasing and we are returning to the starting state (ignoring the position and rotation of the agent):
0106 while i < 2342 : 0107 x, y, r, s, w = env_run_once(x, y, r, s, w) 0108 env_graphic(x, y, r, s, w) 0109 entropies += [ entropy(w) ] 0110 print("[" + str(i) + "] Entropy: " + str(entropies[-1])) 0111 i += 1 0112 0113 display_entropy()
[2335] Entropy: 0.6343095546405662 [2336] Entropy: 0.5293608652873644 [2337] Entropy: 0.6343095546405662 [2338] Entropy: 0.5293608652873644 [2339] Entropy: 0.40217919020227283 [2340] Entropy: 0.2422921890824148 [2341] Entropy: -0.0
Pretty cool!
What is super super super cool is that the entropy is actually symmetric. Something cool is happening there.
If you zoom into any part of the graph, it looks random and seems as though high entropy is maintained. Yet. This simulation does in fact return to its original state. For a complex enough simulation you would struggle even more to see any kind of symmetry at all. You would simply see that entropy is maintained, for what appears to be infinity. Bare in mind, you would see the number of possible states absolutely explode:
0114 for size in range(6, 16) : 0115 print("Possible states for a " + str(size) + "x" + str(size) + " world (patches only): " + str(2 ** (size ** 2)))
Possible states for a 6x6 world (patches only): 68719476736 Possible states for a 7x7 world (patches only): 562949953421312 Possible states for a 8x8 world (patches only): 18446744073709551616 Possible states for a 9x9 world (patches only): 2417851639229258349412352 Possible states for a 10x10 world (patches only): 1267650600228229401496703205376 Possible states for a 11x11 world (patches only): 2658455991569831745807614120560689152 Possible states for a 12x12 world (patches only): 22300745198530623141535718272648361505980416 Possible states for a 13x13 world (patches only): 748288838313422294120286634350736906063837462003712 Possible states for a 14x14 world (patches only): 100433627766186892221372630771322662657637687111424552206336 Possible states for a 15x15 world (patches only): 53919893334301279589334030174039261347274288845081144962207220498432
To put this into perspective, there is something like visible atoms in the Universe, and they have more than two distinct states. Luckily, infinity is a pretty short time when there is nobody can live that long to experience it. It’s also a hell of a lot shorter when you don’t need to explore every state in order to return to the original state.
There are some limitations of course…
can only be so accurate).Maybe in the future I will look to address these issues. It would probably be more like a gas explosion, but I would need to have a good think about precisely how this would be done.