Just finished the second #season of #clarksonsfarm - my god it's good. Probably some of the best of #british #tv ever made. I don't know how anybody external to the #uk would view it, but it really is a very #countryside #british view of the world.
#lettherightonein was an #excellent #tv #show . If people want to know how to insert #diversity into #media , this is how it is done.
The #us 's #concern about #china 's #spy #balloon is not unwarranted, in 2018 they literally showed on #chinese #tv a #balloon carrying #hypersonic #missiles https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/b.. #china 's #ccp are simply #gaslighting the world. They are most certainly a #threat .
I am liking the #wednesday #netflix #tv #series , but the #socialjustice inserts are just too much. Can these #artists not #separate #politics from their #art ? That said, it is still a good #tv #series . #timburten 's hand is very clear in this, it's very well #produced and the #story is good. It reminds me of #lemonysnicket 's #aseriesofunfortunateevents (something I wish they would get the courage to actually finish).
Slowly but surely working on a #backlog of #tv , #films and #youtube #videos . It might literally be #christmas before I have fully caught up. On the plus side, my #cache #systems are working correctly!
I've been quite getting into the #vampireacademy #tv #series . The #budget appears #average , but it seems to be a good #balance between a #vampire #story and #royalty . Some of the #story is a little crap, but it is mostly interesting at least.
#cyberpunkedgerunners was an #excellent #tv #show from #netflix - the only thing I wish is that there would be more of it!
Great, #british #tv is now #conspiring to put #ideological #messages into their #dramas https://youtube.com/watch?v=fORrdK9sw_w Some of the points they raise as "crazy" are already proven to be true, or are unproven either way entirely. For example, highly powerful people *do* run the #media - insert #billgates and #jeffbezos as examples, or run #theguardian and #washingtonpost respectively. It's not #antisemitic to say that either, it is just a #fact .
Just watched the #obiwankenobi #tv #series , pretty not bad at all. A little " #powerful #women " in places, but otherwise well put together. It reflects quite well the #spirit of #starwars - hopefully #disney and #lucasfilms can continue doing this. Don't go all #marvel on us!
#themidwichcuckoos was certainly an interesting #tv #series - well worth a #watch .
Man just got to #episode 9 of #severance , an absolutely #excellent #tv #series - well worth watching.
Oh wow, #vizio #tv #ads are #playing over #live #tv - what a time to be alive! https://www.flatpanelshd.com/news.php?su.. Bare in mind that you could have #purchased the #tv without this " #feature ", it #updated - and now you have some random #banner #ads played to you on your TV. Damn. #opensource #tv when?
Very #funny #clip of #indian #tv #host getting #angry at the #wrong person! https://youtube.com/watch?v=H5Mzdx3MePo The #russia #ukraine #issue has really got people heated up.
The #tv #show #almosthuman was borderline good. The #cgi went from amazing to crap and the #storyline was all over the place. It really has potential, but I'm not entirely sure how they will get it out. Fingers crossed #season 2 is better...
@barray on Mon Feb 14 13:31:55 UTC 2022 said: &eScrap that, they made it #political with the #black #robots having a problem with the #idea of being " #owned ". It's really hard to #watch #american #tv - everything needs for them needs to be split on #racial lines, it's #toxic . It's such a different #lens to view the world in that it breaks the #illusion of #fantasy for me.Watched the first #episode of #almosthuman - it's not too bad, a little #us #racially charged, but not too much so far. The #premise is really cool, the #cgi is a little lazy, but it's got legs. As long as they don't start getting too #political it could be really cool #tv #series .
Watched the first #episode of #almosthuman - it's not too bad, a little #us #racially charged, but not too much so far. The #premise is really cool, the #cgi is a little lazy, but it's got legs. As long as they don't start getting too #political it could be really cool #tv #series .