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@barray on Sun Jan 22 13:20:43 UTC 2023 said: &e
I am liking the #wednesday #netflix #tv #series , but the #socialjustice inserts are just too much. Can these #artists not #separate #politics from their #art ? That said, it is still a good #tv #series . #timburten 's hand is very clear in this, it's very well #produced and the #story is good. It reminds me of #lemonysnicket 's #aseriesofunfortunateevents (something I wish they would get the courage to actually finish).
@barray on Thu Sep 01 15:07:16 UTC 2022 said: &e
#ai #wins #art #contest and #artists are really #mad https://arstechnica.com/information-tech.. Turns out the #ai is very good, which I believe is based on #stablediffusion that works well with #nvidia . It's insane how good this has all gotten!