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@barray on Thu Feb 16 19:57:58 UTC 2023 said: &e
#lettherightonein was an #excellent #tv #show . If people want to know how to insert #diversity into #media , this is how it is done.
@barray on Fri Oct 14 23:13:59 UTC 2022 said: &e
I'm still undecided about how goo #shehulk was or wasn't. At times it shits on the #fans for no reason, which seems like a terrible choice for #marvel . In other times it can be funny, but then it brings in #politics , rather than being the #marvel #universe where #action happens and it's all a little surface deep. I really hated that they brought the #writers into the #show , the #meta #fourthwall stuff was too much. It completely breaks the #universe .
@barray on Fri Sep 23 22:26:51 UTC 2022 said: &e
#cyberpunkedgerunners was an #excellent #tv #show from #netflix - the only thing I wish is that there would be more of it!
@barray on Thu Feb 17 10:19:02 UTC 2022 said: &e
The #tv #show #almosthuman was borderline good. The #cgi went from amazing to crap and the #storyline was all over the place. It really has potential, but I'm not entirely sure how they will get it out. Fingers crossed #season 2 is better...