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@barray on Sun Mar 20 18:24:26 UTC 2022 said: &e
#bloomberg #opinion think that you should #sell your #car in favour of #public #transport , #eat less #meat , let your #pet #die . Essentially they want you to " #own #nothing and be #happy "... They want you to become a #serf to the #government and be completely #dependant on the #infrastructure they #provide .
@barray on Wed Dec 15 18:02:21 UTC 2021 said: &e
#uk #inflation now at a 10 year high - no #economic #crash happening soon... https://www.lotuseaters.com/uk-inflation.. According to #ons it comes from higher #transport and #energy costs, nothing to do with #covid #lockdown #borrowing and #money #printing !
@barray on Fri Nov 26 15:16:25 UTC 2021 said: &e
Wow, an #official #uk #transport #domain for quite a while pointed towards #porn https://thecrow.uk/A-Gov.uk-site-dedicat.. You can see the #nsfw #website #archived here: https://web.archive.org/web/202111251549.. Pretty amazing that this was even possible.
@barray on Mon Oct 25 01:02:58 UTC 2021 said: &e
Heh, looks like #personal #copter #transport is here: https://www.jetsonaero.com/ Will be interesting to see how well this is received - the #pilots #licenses alone will put this out of reach for most.
@barray on Tue Sep 28 10:14:19 UTC 2021 said: &e
It's not enough that #environment #activists are coming for the #fuel in your #car - they want to get rid of the #automotive #industry entirely - no more personal #transport https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIBeIKAo.. As #jefftaylor suggests, the #uk is failing to #invest into future #demand - it can't even handle today's demand!
@barray on Thu Jul 29 02:31:03 UTC 2021 said: &e
Turns out that #toyota gambled heavily on #hydrogen as the #transport #energy of tomorrow and lost out to #ev #cars such as #tesla https://arstechnica.com/cars/2021/07/toy.. I don't believe the #prius #hybrid is entirely a lost cause though, but the fact they are now #lobbying to slowdown the transition to #electric vehicles is a bad move. They should feel very ashamed for that action.