Yeah, the #uk #economy is #shrinking and #inflation is getting worse, we can feel it! All is good and well though, because the #ons #office of #national #statistics will simple #redefine #gdp to means something else, in the the #memoryhole it goes! They are *insane.* These people #advise the #uk #government ...
I see the #uk 's #ons drop #blog #reports occasionally, but there are never on the most #important topics of the day, such as the #financial #crisis Where is the #report on saving #money ?
Waiting on that #uk #ons #census #data ... It's going to be spicy: As I pointed out in a recent #article , the newly adopted #immigrants are *highly* unlikely to #fight for the #uk We must ask #whowillfight when it's likely some 15% of the #population are #foreign and have no #allegiance to #britain .
If you want to know what's happening with your #uk #taxpayer #money - the #ons #office for #national #statistics are creating a #podcast with it! It's called #statisticallyspeaking ... This is either #genius #public #relations - or the biggest waste of #tax and #time ever created.
The #uk #ons casually admitting they have no #idea how many people are in the #uk But rest assured, they will now #concentrate on #diversity in their #statistics They'll " #balance " the numbers by over-representing #minorities in their #data - which is a well known #mathematical tool... These people are paid too much.
Weird, the #uk 's #office for #national #statistics #ons is claiming that the #official #deaths for #covid are 10x the reported valued, from 17k #reported to 140k in reality: I suspect they go too much the other way, you would need to look at #expected death rate vs actual death rate for something more representative...
#uk #inflation now at a 10 year high - no #economic #crash happening soon... According to #ons it comes from higher #transport and #energy costs, nothing to do with #covid #lockdown #borrowing and #money #printing !
Wow, the #uk 's #ons have been called out on #misleading #statistics It's not even the first time they have been called out for such #misinformation regarding #covid ...
#uk 's #ons reports that #brexit has not caused a #exodus despite what #remainers have suggested: I have spoken to multiple people who have been able to move back and forth between the UK and #eu ...