@barray on Sat Apr 02 12:43:37 UTC 2022 said: &eLooks like #germany cutting off #russian #gas #supply could very well #break their #economy https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/basf-ce.. They are *completely* #dependant on #russia to #sustain their #economy - so much for #energy #security . Fools.And it will get pretty bad if they keep #refusing to #pay for #russian #gas in #rubles https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/germany.. The #us has said they can help, in *two years time.* Until then, what is #germany going to do?
#us #president #trump #warning the #eu , specifically #germany about becoming too #energy #dependant on #russia back in 2018: https://youtu.be/KfVdIKaQzW8?t=1296 They #responded by #laughing at him. They're not laughing any more. Perhaps they should have paid more attention.